Chapter 21

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either i post super early or super late

there's no in between


Genesis’ POV

“Dallas?” I ask over the phone

“Yeah, well Fort Worth to be exact” my sister chirps

“Well I guess it’s an easy place for all of our family to travel to”

“Mhh, that’s why I liked it, I can’t imagine everyone coming all the way up here.”

“New York is very far” I laugh “what time do you get back?”

“Laura is set to board in a few minutes”

“So you’re not coming back?”

“No Nick and I decided to stay here a little longer but don’t worry we’ll be back for Christmas.”

“You better be, don’t forget everyone’s family is coming to celebrate. “

“Yes I remember” she sighs “I’ll talk to you later Gen”


I hang up the phone and look at my screen for a while. I feel like there’s something I need to do. Somehow I find myself listening to “What You Gonna Do” by Hunter Hayes. I start to hum some of the song and soon feel a hand on my arm.

“Babe” I hear Joe grunt next to me.

I look at him lying next to me half asleep. This all he ever does when none of his brothers are in town; lay down in bed.

“Wanna do something today Joe?” I ask him pushing some hair off his face.

“Nick isn’t coming back today?”

“No, not in a few more days”

“You don’t want to go up to New York with them?” he asks

“They want some time alone to plan their wedding, we shouldn’t bother them.”

“You’re right, well let’s just stay in and get some carry out”

He turns back around and that was it, I had no say. Spending all my time with Joe was becoming a boring routine; I should go spend time at my house with my friends; that’s where I belonged right now.

I stood up from the bed and picked up the few things I have here and kissed Joe on the forehead before heading out.

“Where are you going?”

“To my place, I have a room there remember”

“You have a room here also”

“Yeah but I need to go”

He looks surprised by my determination, but nods letting me walk downstairs and back to the place that felt like home.  


At first everyone was taken aback by seeing me back home and in my room but they couldn’t be happier to have me back.

“So who’s going to pick up Laura later?” Estefania asks


“No he’s going to be busy”

“I’ll go then”


I watch her grab her purse and a few papers before heading towards the door.

“You’re leaving so soon”

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