Chapter 5

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i know i know. i havent written in forever but i've been really tired lately. anywho here's a chapter.


Genesis POV

“Whatever you want babe” Harry said looking at only my sister

I don’t know why but I felt a chill run down my spine as he said that and Liam noticed as well. The front door opened and in came Louis carrying several Starbucks bags.

“Next time someone else come with me” the petite boy argued

“Louis don’t be rude and say hello to our guests” Liam says

Louis blushes and says hugs my sister first before coming over to me.

“I thought you’d get here after me, but I got you drinks ladies”

“Oooh, what kind?” Carolina asked walking over to the bags

I decided to sit by the nearest couch as they all handed drinks to each other. Niall came back to my side and handed me a vanilla bean frappe.

“Thank you” I tell him

“No problem, so how you been?” the blonde boy asks me

“Real great, busy with Caroline’s wedding”

“Oh yeah she showed us her ring last time, crazy this is happening for her”

“I know, I thought I was going to get married first” I laughed

“Well there’s no rush” he laughed as well

Zayn sat next to Niall as the rest of the group gathered around in the living room of the hotel.

“We decided on where to do” Liam announced

Niall smiled over at me and I don’t know why I was scared.

“We’re going…” Harry says with a pause “to the studio!”

“Perfect” I say

We all get up and grab out things and like expected there was a crowd of girls outside of the guy’s hotel. Paul I believe opens the doors to some van and lets us in to sit while they sign and take pictures but soon enough they all run into the van and I’m next to Zayn, Louis and Niall in the back while my sister is in the front with Liam and Harry.

The whole ride over the studio I kept an eye on the curly haired boy who seemed to keep getting closer and closer to my sister but I knew Liam sat by her as well to keep him away.


“Let’s not talk about embarrassing moments” Niall laughs

“No let’s you’ve got a few” Zayn points at him

We had been here not even an hour and everyone started playing pranks on each other.

“No, remember that time in New York we were in the studio and we got so wasted...” Louis began but stopped talking when Harry and my sister looked at each other

What happened next confused me, she and Harry started laughing?

“I still can’t believe we kissed” she said

“You wanted me don’t lie” Harry said walking up and over to her

“Oh no” she waved her hands in front of her

All the boys laughed at her rejecting Harry and as the afternoon went on I began to notice how my sister not only showed little interest towards Harry but how much she loved talking about her upcoming wedding. All the guys said they would love to come but I guess it was early for them to tell if they were available just yet for next year.

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