Chapter 29

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Danielle's POV

"Dani you didn't have to fly down here just to do this" Carolina said as we walked down the street

"It's no bother, anyways I need to bond with my fellow bridesmaids" I smiled

"I think it's here" she points out the store

Okay. So maybe I did go a little out of my way to fly to California to just go lingerie shopping with the girls.

"Where did you hear about this place?"

"Umm I came here back when I got married"

"Welcome to The Loved One" a ginger haired girl greeted us "how may I help you?"

"We're here looking for our friends, there's four of them here" I say

"Oh yes, they are in our Valentine's Day section, right this way; I'm Melissa if you need any help."


We both follow the petite girl to the back of the store and I'm hoping everyone loves this store. It was a bit more vintage but all the styles were super sexy.

"Hey guys!" I wave to all them carefully looking around

"Thank god you're here!" Estefania laughs "I don't know what to look for"

"The help is here" Carolina giggles

"So I'm guessing everyone wants this lingerie for next week" I grin

"Maybe" Laura says looking around

"Well since all of you have already done the deed before you don't even have to try so hard your guys are already good; just get something simple"

"Everyone except Estefania" Val whispers


"You and Taylor haven't!" I almost yell "well then you gotta think outside the box, no red."

We all look around the store until we find something cute for everyone.

"You sure you don't want something?" I ask Carolina again

"No. You know why"

"Y'all are so weird, but hey Happy Valentine's Day to all!"

Joe's POV

I saw Genesis come in all happy placing some bags on foot of my bed.

"You must think I'm really stupid"

"Ha-ha and you don't think the same about me?" Gen spits back

"Your actions lately aren't helping sweetheart"

"Don't call me that"

"Why? Is that what your sweet Niall calls you?" I say moving closer to her

"Niall? How many times do I have to tell you he's just a friend you dumb ass!" she says pushing me away

"Maybe once you show me with actions not words I'll believe you Gen" I smirk

"I don't need to prove anything to you" Gen says turning away

"You're so cute when you're angry babe"

I go over to where she's standing and pull her close enough to have her mouth on mine.

"You're crazy" she breathes

"Crazy about you"

"Joe... you scare me sometimes and I-I can't do this any-"

"What" I push her back a bit "I'm sorry, babe the last thing I want to do is drive you away. I love you and you know I get jealous easily..."

"I know but..." I feel her hand on my cheek "you have no reason to ever be jealous of anyone Joe and I've told you this before"

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