Chapter 26

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Ethan’s POV

“When do you think he’ll wake up?”

“I don’t know but babe I have to go”

Ugh who was talking this early? I rub my eyes a few times before actually opening them to see my sister and her boyfriend standing right next to me by the couch.

“Stay” Laura says pulling him close

They are about to kiss but I groan making them move apart.

“Bye” Cameron says kissing her on the cheek “feel better bro”

“Get out” I say laying back down

Laura rolls her eyes as she walks over to the door and back. With her hands on her hips she looks at me not knowing what to say.

“Just say it…” I sigh

“Come and eat” she smiles “first that and then we can talk Ethan”

What. I watch her walk away and when I try to get up I feel my head throbbing and sit back down; ugh I shouldn’t have drunken all that beer.

“Where’s the bathroom?” I yell

“Down the hall, second door to the left” Laura yells

I walk to the bathroom and wet my face so I can wake up a bit. After stalling a bit I decide to face my sister and walk into the kitchen where she looked calmer than ever putting a plate of food on the table for me.

“Thanks” I say sitting down.

The food looked good; eggs, bacon and a side of fresh fruit. Hmm. What angle was she pulling here? I’m guessing she’s trying to soften me up so I can tell her the truth about Estefania.

“I’m ready to listen when you’re ready to talk” she says sitting next to me at the table

“I know you Laura, what do you want to hear?”

“That you didn’t try to rape my friend”

“I didn’t”

“Don’t lie to me”

“I’m not lying; in that moment I thought that it was something we both wanted.”

 “Yet you forced yourself on her?”

“No. Jesus, Laura you weren’t even there, you don’t know what happened”

“You’re right I don’t, but I want to hear your side of the story first Ethan.”

“You haven’t heard Estefania’s?”

“No, she left last night and won’t be back till later”

“Doesn’t she live here?”

“Yeah but Taylor didn’t want her to stay here with you around.”

“So she spends the night with him and she’s afraid to be around me?”

“Taylor is the best thing that could have happened to her, they make each other stronger”


“He loves her”

“I love- well I loved her too”

“Shut up” she says shaking her head “now talk”


Estefania's POV

My biggest fear came true last night and there was nothing I could do to take back the words that came out of my mouth; I’m so stupid. I could feel my breathing picking up and I almost forgot where I was until I felt Taylors arm tighten around my waist.

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