Chap. 21: Distracted

Start from the beginning

This little...

"He's my friend."

Jungkook: Then he would respect that you have a boyfriend. Which you should spend some time with...

I scoffed. "Taehyung respects me okay?"

Jungkook: Look I'm just saying.

I sighed.

He has a point though.

"Ok. How about this, you train him today halfway, I'll come by later and finish. Ok?"

Jungkook: You sure that's a good idea?

"Why wouldn't it be?"

Jungkook: We're talking about Jimin here. You and I both know how he gets when he starts to suspect things.

"What should he suspect? He trusts me."

Taehyung: Jina! I thought you were right behind me. *pouting*

I chuckled as I looked at Taehyung. "I'm coming."

Jungkook: Whatever. Have fun

He shoved me aside and left. I rolled my eyes.

"Is everything ok?" Taehyung asked.

I nodded. "It's whatever. Lets go!"

He giggled and held my hand.


-Jimin POV-

I hit the punching bag as hard as I could.

Man where's Jina? Did she forget I'm going up against her killer ex boyfriend?

I sighed heavily.

"Hey Jimin."

Jungkook? Again?

"Hey wheres your sister?"

"You should try calling her and ask her yourself."

What does he mean..

I grabbed my phone and dialed.



"Who's this?!"

Jungkook looked at me concerned.

"This is Taehyung, may I take a message?"

I hung up.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked.

"It was that kid."


"That kid lives with you guys right?" I asked.

He nods. "He's an orphan like us."

"But why is he with my girl?"

"They're good friends. But lately she's been hanging out with him too much."

"I know that. Now. C'mon." I jumped out of the ring and grabbed my duffel bag.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he followed me.

"We're going to go see where that kid and my girlfriend are."

He giggled. "Yay!"


-J-Hope POV-

Before I walked into Ultimate Gym, Jimin and Jungkook stepped out.

They were surprised to see me.

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