Chapter 18: After the Meet...Alpha Wilson and his Mate...

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*Edited 04/15/2016

Lily's P.O.V.

After Mr. Russo left to greet his guests I had decided to go ahead and check on the Dessert Tables and the Kitchen. It took me a while to get there because the Ballroom was full of guests...I guess Mr. Russo is well known.

Finally in the kitchen I see Chef going from station to station to make sure everything on the food trays were presentable and food was going out on time. He always acts cool under pressure.

"Hi Chef! How is everything going?!" I ask him as he was chopping some vegetables.

Turning to look my way he smiled at me. "My dear Lily! How are you? Why aren't you at the party?"

"Well...I'm okay...considering." I replied.

Confusion filled his face "What do you mean...considering? Considering what Lily?!"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked around the kitchen avoiding his stare. "You know..." I trailed off.

I heard him sigh but didn't ask again. "Did you meet Mr. Russo?"

Feeling shivers run through my body when he mentioned his name I tried to ignore it.

"I did...he seems...very nice" I tell him looking at him since he is still staring at me.

"Nice...did anything happen ?!" he asked curiously.

Besides the fact that when we met I blurted out Mate and when he touched me my body felt like it was burning with shocks and electrical waves...making my body weak under his touch and I could stay staring into those hypnotizing light brown eyes forever....?!

"Nah...nothing happened. We met spoke to each other for a few minutes and then he had to go meet his guests" I tell him nonchalantly.

Nodding his head he just sighed "That's good to know my dear. So...what are you doing here?Shouldn't you be at the party enjoying yourself?" he says as he continued to chop away at the vegetables.

"Ahh, you know me...not the party animal, plus I don't know anyone here and I felt uncomfortable."

"I understand...but, I'm pretty sure Mr. Russo will be looking for you soon. Maybe you should head back so he doesn't worry."

Tilting my head to the side I looked at him. "Why would he look for me and worry? We don't mean anything to each other...I'm sure he forgot he met me with all the people here at the party..."

Hearing him sigh once again I heard him murmur something under his breath "If you only knew what is ahead for you."

Not understanding what he meant by that I was about to ask him when someone came in the kitchen.

"Chef, we are running low on the potatoes and vegetables." Edward said walking in. "Oh, Lily! Sorry...I didn't know you were here Am I interrupting anything?"

"No Edward, you weren't Lily was going to head back to the party that Mr. Russo so kindly invited her too. Isn't that right Lily?!" he asked turning his direction towards me.

I didn't know why he was acting so strange right now, but I will ask him later. It feels like he is pushing me to spend time with Mr. Russo knowing full well that Jacob and I are engaged.

I touched my hand to feel my ring...OH ring, SHOOT...I think I left it upstairs!

"Um...yeah...I was actually heading back out there. So if you would excuse me." I tell them nodding my head and smiling at them both.

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