Chapter 16: Dreaming...?

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*Edited 04/11/2016*

" are all Mine. We are destined to be together...please understand that I don't mean any harm to you. All I want to do is love and protect you...I will kill anybody who tries to hurt you or take you away from me. That is a promise, you are my Mate. The Moon Goddess made you just for me. You are my other Soul and Heart. I will do anything you want me to do and you everything you want. I am putty in your hands and I know that you by my side, I will become stronger and we will take over this precious Luna. You will be mine forever and will bear my pups, expanding our bloodline making them powerful Alphas like me and my ancestors before me. I don't want you to be afraid of and I have a connection and I thank the Moon Goddess above that she paired us to be Soul Mates. I will forever love and cherish you until the end of beautiful Lily."

Lily stirred as she listened to the words said to her. They sound so distant but yet so close, as if someone was whispering in her ear. She tried to understand what was being said to her but at that moment she couldn't. All she could do is lay there and listen...

"I want you so badly...I need you...I will have you no matter what. Your scent drives me's taking everything in me not to take you right mark you so everyone knows you are Mine...only Mine! You belong to me...not that mutt you think you are in love with. In time you will understand and will learn to accept me and love me."

As she laid there she felt paralyzed...not understanding what was going on. She kept stirring trying to open her eyes but she couldn't. Something was preventing her from doing so...until she felt a bolt of electricity run through her body. It wasn't like when you got shocked after being exposed to electrical wires, it was more like sparks and tingles. It was a wave of warmth rushing through her body making her feel calm...peaceful.

As fast as the warmth came, it left, making her feel lonely...cold.

"We will see each other soon my beautiful Mate...then we will be together forever..." 

Lily quivered as she heard the voice speaking to her...then there was silence. A few minutes passed and she fluttered her eyes opened. She didn't know where she was or couldn't remember what had happened. She felt like she was just dreaming...

Lifting herself up she realized that she was laying down on the bed and she was still in the same room she had been in.

"What happened to me?" she said aloud and noticed that she had her towel wrapped around her.

Finding it strange she thought about the last thing she remembered. 

"I came out here to get dressed and...and..." she said trying her best to remember how she ended up laying on the bed.

"Come on Lily...what happened? Did I just lay down and fall asleep? Was I that tired that I don't even remember laying down?!" she questioned herself.

Sighing she accepted that answer...she really didn't want to continue thinking about it...and plus, she was running late already.

Lily got dressed and fixed her hair. Sitting at the edge of the bed she started putting on her heels and she had a memory flash in front of her eyes.

She remembered hearing a low growl and something running up to her...she couldn't remember what though...the next thing she remembered was a voice speaking to her...the voice was rough but at the same time...loving.

" are all Mine! We are destined to be together..."

"That voice. I've heard it my mind." she said to herself while rubbing her wrist which was throbbing. Looking down at it, it was once again red and tingling.

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