Chapter 4: Make or Break

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The sound of the last bell echoed through the halls as students began pouring out of the classrooms. Conversations about the plans that followed for the weekend quickly took over. Among the crowd was Edd as he attempted to make his was to the library. Edd was nearing the library door when he heard a voice call.

"Double Dewb!" 

Edd turned around to see Kevin hustling through the crowd to reach him.

"Umm, why hello Kevin. Is there something I can do for you?" Ed asked curiously. 

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to stand me up, errr, I mean ditch me or whatever tonight. I could really use the help for my chemistry project." Kevin quickly replied.

Edd watched Kevin speak carefully. His words were quick and clearly rushed. Edd began to blush as Levin babbled on. 

"I will never miss a chance to help a fellow peer with their education. I just need to study a bit myself then I shall head home"

"Cool" Kevin said as he began to turn away, "uh hey Double D?" Kevin said as he turned to look at Edd once more, "I have baseball practice till six, I could give you a ride. Ya know as like payment for you helping me."

"I would most certainly appreciate that Kevin" Edd said.

"Cool see ya then" Kevin replied as he turned away smiling.

Edd was smiling himself as he walked through the library doors it wasn't until he reached the table he remembered Kevin drives a motorcycle. For the first time in his life Edd cursed.


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