I was walking to my room when I saw the office door open. I decided to take a peek.

Inside was a desk and a computer, of course, but there was something off....there was also a piano....

I opened the door and walked in, walking towards the piano. The glided my fingers across the keys....they still worked.

I shrugged my shoulders and sat down, "Wouldn't hurt to play, right?"

I started playing the tune to 'Titanium'.

"You shout it out"

"But I can't hear a word you say"

"I'm talking loud"

"Not saying much"

"Im criticized"

"But all your bullets ricochet"

"You shoot me down"

"But I get up"

"I'm bulletproof"

"Nothing to lose"

"Fire away"

"Fire away"


"Take your aim"

"Fir away"

"Fire away"

"You shoot me down"

"But I won't fall"

"I am titanium"

"You shoot me down"

"But I won't fall"

"I am titanium"


"Cut me down"

"But it's you who have further to fall"

"Ghost to own and haunted love"

"Raise your voice"

"Sticks and stones may break my bones"

"I'm talking loud, not saying much"

"I'm bulletproof"

"Nothing to lose"

"Fire away"

"Fire away"


"You take your aim"

"Fire away"

"Fire away"

"You shoot me down"

"But I won't fall"

"I am titanium"

"You shoot me down"

"But I won't fall"

"I am titanium"


"I am titanium"

"I am titanium"

"Stone hard"

"Machine guns"

"Fired at the ones who run"

"Stone hard"

"Though as bulletproof glass"

"You shoot me down"

"But I won't fall"

"I am titanium"

"You shoot me down"

"But I won't fall"

"I am titanium"

"You shoot me down"

"But I won't fall"

"I am titanium"

"You shoot me down"

"But I won't fall"

"I am titanium"


"I am titanium"

I finished with a sigh. I haven't done that in years!

I turned around in my seat to see Ian and Anthony, standing at the doorway.

I felt my face get hot, "I'm sorry! I just saw it and wanted to play! I haven't-"

"Hey!" Ian yelled, cutting me off, "It was beautiful. There's no reason to say sorry."

I nodded and scratched the back of my neck, "Sorry....uh I mean....ok."

Ian nodded and walked away, leaving Anthony and I.

All of a sudden, he laughed, "Ian thought he was going to be a terrible parent and look at him! He's doing better than me!"

I smiled, "Yea. Ian's really funny and all."

"Yup...that's why all the kids love him!"

I laughed.

We sat there in an awkward silence till we heard a knock on the door. Anthony and I looked at each other before running to the door, finding the crew standing there.

I saw David and Josh, "DAVID! JOSH!"

They looked at me with smiles on their faces before out stretching their arms for a hug, which I embraced. Without flinching...for once.

After we pulled back, we all walked inside. After we settled down, I spoke up, "What are you guys doing here?"

They all smiled, "SLEEPOVER!"

I squealed and clapped my hands together, "YESS!"


Sorry for not updating, I was busy with other stories and busy with life. But I'm back and have stuff planned for further chapters.

But anyways, I'll howl at you later, my pack!🐺

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