Bremin School Life

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Natalie POV: So Andy showed me the rest of the school. So that concludes our tour. Oh is it too late to try out for clubs and sports? Maybe, but you will have to ask the principal. Well, in my old school I did every sport that their was from track and field to cheer! Wow. Let's hope that it's not too late. Oh there's Sam and your sister. Whoa what happened to you? You look like you went into shock. She loves me. Oh really. Yeah, she asked for my phone number and email. Crazy huh. And she asked me out. Well we have a FroYo date tonight. I know. You just have to keep her as far away from me  as possible. I laughed. Whatever you say. You can come to all of the classes that I have so you won't get confused. Me, confused. It's like that past month I spent with you met nothing. No, I'm just saying. Oh and I can ask the principal to make all your classes with mine. Thanks, your a really great friend. Thanks. So what's the first class. Homeroom. And our home room number is 14. So it's upstairs. Should we get going. Yeah. So Sam and I finally got to the homeroom and the teacher looked very nice. I sat down at the desk right next to Sam. Is the teacher here nice. Yeah, she likes to joke a lot but her jokes are really cheesy. I laughed, then this girl walked up to the desk I was sitting in. Umm, excuse me but this is my desk. Oh well it's only for a day so I'm sure you'll survive. But there is a seat in the back that no one has never sat in, it's all yours. But what if I don't want to move. The whole class went ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Listen Nowhere Girl, you don't tell me how or what to do. So do a favor and leave me ALONE! The girl walked away. Natalie , you just messed with the most popular girl in school, Amber Brown. So, you think I care. Wow, I can't believe you. Eh, it's nothing. Then the teacher walked in. Good morning class, how was your summer. You guys are all Juniors. Oh and I see that there is a new girl, what is your name. I stood up. My name is Natalie , and I love to party, and play sports. I'm 16 and I hav an older brother and younger sister who is obsessed with Sam. She walked up a little closer to me and then gasped. Aren't you one of the five kids that went missing right along with... SAM! Yeah, Sam and I are pretty tight, he showed me around the school. So are you two dating? Sam and I looked at each other. No, no, no, no, no, no....NO. We are just best friends. Yeah. Well I hope you have a good time here in Bremin, and here we are gonna be talking about what we did in the summer. So I want to pass all of you an index card and you will all write down 3 things you did in the Summer and then you will share. We were all done. Wow that was quick. Maya, since you're new here you can go first. Okay, then. I moved to Australia and met Sam, Felix, Andy, and Jake, I got lost in the woods, and when we found our way back we had tons of news reporters ask us questions yesterday. Wow, you have been very busy. I guess, but I'm happy my that we moved to Australia. Why's that? Because it's different and this is a great experience. And the weather here is wayyyy better then the weather in North Carolina. Well we're happy you moved here too. So then the bell rang. Wow, it 45 minutes has already passed. Yeah time goes by fast here in Bremin. I guess. What's the next class. Math. Great! I love math class. And then Sam and I walked to Math Class.

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