New Secrets

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Jake POV: So when we arrived at the news station place. Whatever it's called, people were completely quiet. Questions. Then everyone started asking questions. Sam, Natalie , Jake, Felix, Andy!! Everyone was saying our names. We all smiled at each other. One at a time! The officer screamed.

Natalie POV: So everyone was talking and now they're all silent. Andy, this question is for you. How did you guys survive. We all looked him. They're are portals.  And an Alternate Universe. He means thanks to all the people that wouldn't give up on us.  It was thinking of my girlfriend Mia to help me. I was pretty scared but it helped me. Jake how did you guys and girl eat. It's okay say guys. We found berries in the woods. Natalie and Felix, this question is for the both of you. How come we didn't find any trace of you, no fire prints, anything. Well you were probably looking in the wrong places. Umm, I'm sorry say that again. We didn't find any trace or anything from you guys where could you have been? All of a sudden the ground started to shake. Let's go. We all got up and ran.

Sam POV: So we all ran out in the parking lot. Since when did could you make the ground shake. Since we got back. Whenever I tap on the water it goes crazy. When I sneezed. What happened? The clothing line just like blew away. Do you think you have a power? I'll show you. So we all went to a place that we couldn't be seen.

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