Right Where we Need to be

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Felix POV: We all followed Andy. He lead us to the places that we should have been at earlier. We're gonna make it! In a few days we caught up with the others. There was only three more days left with the guys. It's kinda sad that I only have three more days left with you guys. I nodded. Yeah, I won't forget falling off if a cliff. Who could?

Natalie POV: I was bummed that I was almost done with this place. I'm never gonna forget these boys. Especially Sam. Hey guys can you give us a minute alone. Sure. I pulled Sam to the side. You finally want to get to know me more. I've been waiting. So what do you like about school? No parents. What about you? I like that you can see your friends and is the only time when your dad doesn't protect you from boys. Tell me about it, every time I  say hi to a girl or on even looks at me she will assume that we are dating and try to fix my hair. Haha. Sam, do you know when you like somebody else but aren't sure if they like you. And sometimes it's a person that you've just met? Yeah, I feel that all the time.

Sam POV: This is it. I think that she is into me. I should probably ask her right now. Hey, Natalie, when we get out of this mess, how about we chat over FroYo. I would love that. Finally. I did it. I liked her ever since. I think. I don't know what I am feeling right now. Love is confusing. We just looked at each other. Umm guys! We immediately went back to the group. What. We followed the map, and we should be with the other groups. Felix looked at the map. In the top corner of the map it says a map for a kids treasure hunt. Great. We all just kept walking. Wow, I can't believe that we actually thought that we were leaving. I know right. This is a disgrace. Well, there's no place I'd rather be, here with you guys, and girl. Thanks, but right now I'd rather be in my room reading a good book. Nerd. Hey I am not the nerd, that's Andy's job. Hey, well your actually true. Well there has to be a nerd in every group. What am I? Your the heartthrob. Did Natalie just call me the heartthrob. I think that it is possible that she has feelings for me?

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