A Better Promise (Happy part 2 of A Promise)

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It has been 2 years since Daniel gave you the promise ring. Two incredible years. You were more in love than ever.

Little did you know that today, exactly 2 years of having the promise ring, he was going to propose. You were both in your early twenties now and had talked a lot about your wedding. Your phone lights up with a text from Daniel.

From: Love of My Life 💕

How's my beautiful girl doing on this lovely Saturday?

To: Love of My Life 💕

💯. 😂😂

From: Love of My Life 💕

You did not.

To: Love of My Life 💕

I believe I did. Don't be mad that I'm funnier than you. 😜😘

From: Love of My Life 💕

Whatever. 😂 Anyway, do you want to come over today?

To: Love of My Life 💕

Ew. No

From: Love of My Life💕

Be here by 2. Wear something nice and I love you. 💕😘

To: Love of My Life 💕

Will do. Love you. 💕

It was 12, so you decided to start getting dressed. (dress above)

You perfectly curled your hair and did your makeup. You slipped on your promise ring and walked out the door. It was about 1:45 so you began to drive to Daniel's apartment.

You were in college so you were in a dorm and Daniel was working on his music career which had taken off, so he had an apartment.

You got there at 2.

Daniel opens the front door for you and kisses you on the cheek.

"You look stunning," he says.

"You don't look to bad yourself, Mr. Seavey," you say.

He rolls his eyes.

"So why am I dressed nice and why am I over here at 2?" you ask.

He sits you on his couch and then sits next to you.

"Because of this," he says as he hands over a scrapbook of your last four years together.

While you are looking through all the pictures, Daniel quietly slips away.

You had tears streaming down your face. There were so many photos. It must have taken him hours.

The most recent photo was taken just a few days ago and it was a picture of you and him snuggling on his couch. You didn't even know that the photo was taken.

As you turn the last page, written in the back in Daniel's horrible handwriting are the words:

Will you marry me?

You look up to see Daniel on one knee with the most beautiful ring you've ever seen in his hand.

"Y/F/N, this has been a long time coming and I want to ask you, will you marry me?" he asks. He looks so nervous and it is quite possibly the cutest thing you've ever seen.

You nod your head yes as you cry tears of joy.

He slips the ring on you finger and gets up. He kisses you then engulfs you in a hug.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." you say smiling.

"Me either," he says then kisses you again.

"You still never told me why I had to be here at 2," you say.

"Well it was this exact time on this exact day that I gave you your promise ring," he says.

You smile at him.

"How did I get so lucky?" you ask him.

"I ask myself the same question every day," he says.

He then posts the same exact photo from two years ago, just with your engagement ring instead:

"Yes......we ARE engaged!! I can't believe that I get to call this beautiful girl mine for the rest of my life!! I'm so in love with you y/f/n. 💕"


AWE! Now wasn't that sweet? 😂 Okay but honestly I'm so proud of this. Do you guys want me to do like engagement pictures or something, and then the wedding, and then pregnancy, and then Daniel as a dad? Because honestly I think that would be super cool!! Just pllleeeeaaaasssseee let me know! Or comment other ideas!! Well that's all! I love you guys! 💕

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