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You were a YouTuber that had decided to do a question and answer video. You sent out a tweet telling everyone to ask you questions. You waited about an hour to start making the video so you would have enough questions. Just as you were about to start the video, your boyfriend ,Daniel, sent you a text.

From: 💕 daniel 💕

You better answer my question. 😁

To: 💕 daniel 💕

Maybe I will...maybe I won't. 😏

From: 💕 daniel 💕

Whatevs. ✌

To: 💕 daniel 💕

Alright well I need to start the video. ✌ love you 💕

From: 💕 daniel 💕

Okay. love you. 😘

You then started the camera.

"Hey guys! Today I'm going to be doing an ask y/n! I asked for questions and you guys sent in a ton. So, lets get started!" you say.

"This one is from @faniel4life. When did you and Daniel meet?" you say.

"We met in the sixth grade. I had just moved and he was the first friend I made," you reply.

"The next one is from @hdkeodhdjdLily. She asks where did you and Daniel go on your first date?" you say.

"We actually went to Starbucks. I love Starbucks, so he took me there. Then after, we went mini golfing," you tell the camera.

You answer a ton more questions, then you finally get to Daniel's.

"Okay, so the last question I'll be answering is from the lovely @seaveydaniel. He asks if I want to go to prom with him," you finish.

As soon as you get the words out of your mouth, you hear singing from outside your door. You open it to reveal Daniel standing there while playing the guitar. He's singing Slow Dancing In A Burning Room by John Mayer.

"My dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room," he sings.

When he finishes the song, he sets his guitar and picks up some flowers from the ground.

"So, y/n will you go to prom with me?" he asks.

"Of course I will!" you say before you kiss him.

Your mom then came and took a picture of you two with your phone.

"Do you know how long I had to wait?" he asks.

You laugh.

"That was the longest q&a ever," he says.

"Oh whatever," you say while laughing.

"Post that picture will ya?" he asks.

"Geez, take a chill pill," you say, "I was kinda busy talking to this weird guy that asked me to prom."

"Oh you know you love me," Daniel says.

"Yeah, yeah," you say.

"But seriously, can you please post it?" he asks.

"Why?" you ask.

"I want everyone to know that I'm the only one taking you to prom," he says.

You take out your phone and open Instagram.

The caption to the picture says,

Guess I'm going to prom with my love. 💕💃😘

This was the best Ask y/n ever.


Hey! so disclaimer, I don't have any idea if the twitter names I used are real people or not, except for Daniel's of course. But if they are, shout out to you. 😂😂 Hope you enjoyed! 😂😂

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