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Daniel was the reason you smiled everyday. To bad he didn't know you even existed. But that was all about to change. You were going to his concert and meet and greet today. You were finally going to meet Daniel. Today was going to be great.

@seaveydaniel I get to finally meet you today!! 😭😊💕

After that tweet you began getting ready for the day. You had on a pair of high wasted shorts, a plain white crop top with a flannel, and some white converse high tops. Your hair was perfectly curled. You couldn't be more excited.

You checked your phone as you were walking downstairs to eat breakfast.

Daniel had tweeted you back.

@y/t/n Can't wait to meet you beautiful!! 😊😜💕

You began to freak out. He tweeted you. Maybe he would recognize you at the meet and greet.

You quickly ate your breakfast and brushed your teeth after. You put on your normal make up.

"DAD!" you yelled, "I'M READY TO GO!"

He quickly came down the stairs and went out to the car to drive you over to the venue. You grabbed your purse and walked out the front door. In the car, you listened to his American Idol performances and his latest CD to prepare for the concert.

After what seemed like forever, you were at the venue. Your dad dropped you off and told you to text him when the concert was almost over. He then drove off.

You went to were the meet and greet was set up and got in line. The people checked your ticket. As you began to get closer, you could see Daniel up ahead. You started to panic. You promised yourself you wouldn't cry. was your turn.

"Oh my gosh, hi," you say to Daniel.

"Hey, what's your name?" he asks.

"Um, it's Y/N," you state.

"Oh yeah, I remember you from this morning!" he says.

"Really?" you asked shocked.

"Yes, really!! You seemed really sweet," he said.

"You have no idea how much I love you," you say, "I have been such a fan for 2 years now."

"Awe, I love you too. Thanks for all the support," he says.

You broke your promise. You began crying. Daniel Seavey said he loved you. He hugged you as you cried.

"So, do you wanna take the picture now?" he asks.

You nodded your head.

"Well then you gotta stop crying. A beautiful girl like you doesn't need to be crying over me," he says.

You stop crying.

"Do I look okay for the picture?" you asked.

"You look amazing!" Daniel says.

"So what kind of picture do you wanna take?" he asks,

"Um, can you kiss me on the check?" you ask.

"Sure!" he says.

So he does. The photo is you two with your arms around each other and him kissing you on the check. You had the biggest smile ever on your face.

"Thank you so so much," you say and hug him.

"Thank you for supporting me," he says.

You then left to go get your seat. You were right in the front row in the center. After you found it, you tweeted.

Just met @seaveydaniel, he was honestly so sweet!! 💕

You then put your phone away and wait awhile for the show to start.

Finally. It starts.

Daniel comes on stage and you try not to cry again. He sees you in the front row and waves and smiles at you.

The whole concert he is looking at you. Of course he looks at other people, but it felt like it was mostly you. You texted your dad when the concert was almost over. It ended and you were walking out when you heard a familiar voice calling your name.

"Y/N!" you hear Daniel yell.

You turn around.

"Here, this is my number. I don't know why, but I just really feel like I can trust you," he states.

"Are you sure?" you ask.

"One hundred percent. And if you are crazy, I'll just get a new number," he laughs.

"Sounds good," you say.

"Text me later!" he yells after you.

You give him a thumbs up and walk out to where you dad is waiting.

"How was the concert?" he asks.

"Amazing," you say, "Daniel gave me his number."

"Really now?" your dad asks.

You tell him the rest of the story as you are texting Daniel.


Hey, this is y/n!! Just wanted to say thank you for everything!!

Daniel CV:

No problem!! I really want to know you more. If you're okay with that. 😊

You smiled at your phone. Finally, Daniel Seavey knew who you were.


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