A Broken Promise (Sad part 2 of A Promise)

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Daniel broke his promise. That he said he would never break. He did.

"Why would he do this to me?" you ask your mom, while sobbing into her chest.

"I don't know honey," she says soothingly.

You continue to cry.

"What exactly did he say?" your mother asks.

"He said that things weren't like the used to be. He said he didn't feel a stupid connection anymore. He was my everything and he just left me!" you exclaim, getting more mad at him every second.

You pull out of your mom's embrace.

"Are you okay y/n?" she asks.

"No. But I just need some time to myself right now," you say.

She nods and heads out the door.

You continue to cry and look at the ring Daniel had given you.

"How could he?" you thought.

You then started throwing everything out that reminded you of Daniel.

The ring he gave you, the endless stuffed animals, his hoodies you had borrowed, every photo, and all the love letters and songs he wrote you.

You were done.

Later, you decide to check Twitter and Instagram. Daniel had deleted everything that had to do with you. You did the same. You also saw that he had tweeted a ton in just a few minutes.

Things like:

"It was fun while it lasted."

"Moving on 😜👏"

"Can't believe that it's over.😁"

"He is such a jerk!" You think to yourself.

You decide to go on a tweet spree as well.

"I wasted 2 years of my life on him."

"My lips are saying goodbye. My eyes are finally dry. 💁💋"

"Nice knowin ya. ✌"

And many more. If he was going to be a jerk, you were going to be one too.

After that was all over, reality sinks in again. It really was over. All of it. The laughs and tears, the good and the bad, the forevers, and the promises. All of it. Two years, just down the drain. You began sobbing once again and soon your mom comes to comfort you. She lays by you and you curl into her side.

"Mom, am I a screw up?" you ask.

"Absolutely not! If I ever hear those words again," she says.

"He left me. For no reason at all," you sob.

"Maybe you should talk to him again?" she asks.

"Maybe," you say.

That's what you decide to do.

To: Jerk

We need to talk.

From: Jerk

Why? We're over.

To: Jerk

Yeah. I'm aware. I need to know exactly why.

He finally decides to meet you. You drive to the park.

"Why did you break it off?" you ask him.

"I already told you," he says.

"You really think I believe that crap? We were together for 2 years." you say.

"Um, well, there's another girl," he says.

You begin to cry.

"Are you freaking serious?" you yell.

Daniel looks at you. Ashamed at what he's done to you.

"Look, maybe we can work this out. Get back together?" he asks.

"Absolutely not. Daniel you are a jerk an I hope I never ever have to see your face again. You know go have a good life with the girl you left me for!" you yell.

You turn around and began to walk back to your car.

"Y/N!" Daniel yells back.

You stop and turn around.

"What?" you ask.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"Whatever," you say and continue to walk away.

That was the last time you ever saw Daniel. You moved to New York for college and he moved to California for music. You never forgave him which is something you deeply regretted, but deep down you knew that you both had forgiven each other.

About a year later you tweeted out,

"I forgive you.💕"

He tweets also, not directly at you.

"I'll never forget what we shared. I will truly always care for you.💕"


I really really hope you guys liked the sad one!! I will also be doing a happy one!! So don't freak out. 😂😂 I worked hard on this and hope you enjoyed. And I do not think that Daniel would ever do something like this!! It's just an imagine so if you think I'm being mean, please just chill. I love you all and thanks for reading!! 😘💕

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