Sick Day

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You had been sick at home for the last two days. It was defiantly not how you wanted to spend your first days of summer. You and Daniel, your boyfriend, had been texting nonstop the past two days.

From: 💕Daniel CV🙈

I wish I was the one who was sick. Not you. 😔

To: 💕 Daniel CV🙈

You're a little baby when you're sick. 😝

From: 💕Daniel CV🙈

Oh whatever!! 😭

To: 💕Daniel CV🙈

I miss you. 😔😭

From: 💕Daniel CV🙈

That's it. I'm coming over and we are going to lay on the couch and snuggle and have a movie marathon. 😘

To: 💕Daniel CV🙈

No. I don't want you to get sick!!

From: 💕Daniel CV🙈

I 🍩 care. If I get sick, then it's my fault.

To: 💕Daniel CV🙈

Whatever. ✌ But, if you get sick I don't want you to complain the whole time. 😂😂

From: 💕Daniel CV🙈

I promise. I'm on my way beautiful! 😘

To: 💕Daniel CV🙈

Okay. Be safe. Love you. 💕

He didn't respond. You knew that he was probably already driving over.

When he got to your house, he had some flowers and your favorite candy.

"Awe! You didn't need to get me anything," you tell him.

"But I wanted to," he says while kissing you on the cheek.

You then went into the living room and got all of the movies ready. You spent the day watching all of your favorite movies. You fell asleep during one of the movies and Daniel took a picture of you and posted it on Instagram.

"Even when she's sick, she's still beautiful. 💕"

You nearly killed him for posting the picture.

You watched several other movies after that. This had been the best sick day ever.

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