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I thought it might be rain, when I hear the pitter patter of droplets pelting the floor, but I looked outside and realised it could only be one thing. Wesley. The slap of water on skin made me think of only one thing, and I can assure you, it was not PG.

Wesley's POV

The thoughts roamed my mind as I stepped into the shower. I wanted him to do rated R things to me. Though he probably didn't look at me that way, I could only hope. My deranged thoughts had no place here, with an older man, a man my mom calls her own. Why was my mom blessed with this beautiful creature, and not I, the hopeless romantic? in my mind it was all but fair.

As I hum Stressed Out to the beat of the drip drop sounds of water prattling the stone I hear some commotion outside the bathroom window. It was almost like a series of grunts and smacks. A sound of such cold only be one of two things.

My curiosity gets the best of me, not caring if I use up my full shower routine, but much more care if I find the answer to my spark of curiosity. Though like they say; curiosity killed the cat, well I'm a stealthy mother fucker, I mean cat. I dry my body in the meantime applying a half dollop of Clean and Clear exfoliating face wash. I throw on the patterned sheer shirt of his, looks to be leopard print, and didn't even worry about the underwear before I rushed out the bathroom door and down the stairs. I figured the shirt, it'd be long enough to cover my bare lady parts and it hangs far enough away to not worry that much about it.

I, quick as quick can be, peek around the corner of the sliding glass doors and find a sweaty, shirtless Harry, complete with big black boxing mitts hugging his quite widespread hands. I'm almost immediately blushing my face off at the sight. I can't help it, the way his back strains and toils has me at my knees. I think it's when he hears my infinitesimal gasp that he turns around, but I'm too quick and I fly from the scene.

"Darling, I made some breakfast, if you're done surveilling me now, you're open to eat." I guess I wasn't quite quick enough, and I dare not speak as I wait straight around the corner.

I use this little tiptoe, run technique to my advantage, but "Cute, you're trying to sneak away from me." then I fall; flat on my face. You should have seen my face: embarrassment coloured it whole. I don't think I have it quite in me to recover.

"Don't speak, don't laugh." I say not moving a finger. "Just help me up." I roll on my back, face covered, and shake my head, a smile sweet on my face as Harry pulls me up by the elbow. I'm quite glad he doesn't hold it against me, I wouldn't have known what do.

As he stares me straight in the eyes my heart picks up a little faster and I feel as if I'm on Cloud 9. Then I'm put in my place, my home place of reality and I'm staring at him like some awkward pussy pants and he's standing strong with that smirk still prowling his face. My toothy grin instantly turns into an ashamed, but at the same time surprised frown. I could've knocked my own tooth out for that smooth move.

I turn to walk to the island, but am stopped by his hand still latched to my pudgy arm. For a moment there I feel he's going to kiss me, but when I wait for it for a good while, I realise again, my fantasies are far too true to ever have the simplest form of truth to them.

I swear if I find too much comfort in these fantasies, I'll be stuck in a world of where I sum up reality in a series of mirages. Although, that might not be the worse choice, better than being disappointed every six seconds of my life. I wish not that, but a life with Harry and such similarities.

"Er-uh, I mean, the fairs this weekend." He completely lets go of my arm sending me to the ground. My butt thumps and an 'ouch' echoes throughout the spacey room. "Shit, shit Wesley, I'm so sorry." By his words anyone could tell you he was sorry, but only I could tell you the amount of sincerity practically oozing from his eye sockets. It was rich and pure, that sincerity, and those tears in his eyes, yet to trickle down his cheeks, those really brought me to my knees. He's so sexy, even when he's sunken deep in remorse.

"It's fine." I blush, smile, and look away, what can I say, it's my safe haven. I wish I was brave enough as to not shy away from confrontation, but sad as it is, that's just who I am. I'm that shy little girl from down under.

"Shit, no it's not. Wesley, you are a women, now start taking charge and act like it." I couldn't tell if he was pissed at himself or me, but what I did seem to know, was that he was distraught about something I had a feeling, wasn't our current topic. I'd ask him what's wrong, but that's just asking for it, for more conversation directed my way. I wasn't going to have it. Although, the funny part of this morning is, he looked damn hot throughout everything: the bickering, distraught, and the seemingly ripping of his back muscles as he hit his large punching bag. I could tell already, right now, this day wasn't going to go my way.

"I want to take you to the fair, we'll make way tonight and I'll show you what good I could be on your life." And this was just a mere example of why I liked older guys, yeah, it wasn't socially accepted, but I was willing to take the pain as long as the happiness grew.

Why can't I have a Harry?

*silently cries*

So, the drama.... Ugh... Ya, it's been pretty dead lately in the fandom, but the overall drama... Pls... I just need my boys back so I know the now on them... Cause fuck, I'll be sitting back getting rest during hiatus, and all of the sudden: "Harry styles grows second penis?!" Like don't mess with my sanity!!! The tabloids and Twitter often tend to do much of that. I can say, it's NOT needed. I'd like to stay out of a mental institution please and thanks.

So how're all y'all pretties? Ik, I haven't been very talky talky during this fic, but I'm trying, and I hope for feed, back, it really lights up my day, Ned my friends think I'm crazy cause I so feedback af.

Anyways, I wish you all a fab day!!!!

Wherever You Wander h.s. (daddy addition)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang