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Imagine one night alone,
in a bed that I would
no longer call my own.
All I would be able to feel
is your body intertwined with mine, with nothing but these satin sheets
to harbour our soft-pressed skin.
You'll rest your head
on my favourite pillow;
my face will be buried
in your flower scented neck.
With every touch,
I'll move closer.
With every kiss,
our hearts will beat faster.
My fingers will travel
through the depths of your hair,
as you allow my lips to graze
every inch of your skin.
It will be perfection nonetheless.
And if perfection were to exist,
this would all be incredibly true,
but as I lie in this empty bed
and tend to this empty heart,
I can only wish to be here with you.

-H (credits to unknown.)

At that moment despite my anger towards her, I wanted to kiss her but as I spoke to her, my wish, there I found, upon the tan poolside chair, where a sleeping frame of which I'd call my darling, she stirs. It was then I wanted to share with her, my wishes, my desires, my likes and dislikes, and my childhood. I wanted this girl to meet my mum, because mum knew best, kiss me whole, because I long for more, and call me daddy, because she's my tired and frayed darling. I had decided then that I wanted her, rather than her mum. She's beautiful, she's everything I'd ever need.

Now don't assume I want her to be my girlfriend, because that's only a label. I'm not exactly sure on what I want with her, but whatever I do, it's only her, not her mum. It's a lot to take in, trust me I'd know. I don't quite understand why I'm feeling, what I'm feeling so soon, but what I do understand, are the feelings towards this young, young girl.

"You're beautiful, oh so beautiful love. It's like, ever since I've meat you I've had a new meaning in life. I feel good and free now, as if enlightenment wasn't the way but a six letter name was my lost remedy. Wesley. Your name might as well spell out happiness. You're like the ending of a good book, your happy and make people giddy, smiley, and feel accomplished, but because there's a start to you, you're not worth reading, you want to skip to the suspenseful, romantic, comical, nail biting chapters, not the every day life, except with you, the everyday life, it'd be just as good as the rest. I feel the need for more, but in a days time?" No, that was reckless, and as I lay by her unaware, sleeping body, I feel... remorse. I wish this were a hundred days, so I'd know the out come. Or a time machine, that'd work too.

I flee all too quickly, but turn around for one last glimpse around the corners edge, where you lay, the most beautiful girl. I know that if you were china I'd throw you down, letting you shatter into one million shards. I understand why I'd do such malicious acts, it's simple, you infuriate me, but that way, you'd only be mere brainless parts or heartless strains, not a broken girl in an uncanny world.

I want to win you, but not like a rich kid born into wealth wants a Ferrari. More like that poor kid, the one at the carnival does; scraps up money to win his girlfriend that stuffed bear and only wins by luck and a silver sliver. Fuck me, I'm whipped, but your hips are my diet and I refuse to starve.

I'm angry, I don't get it, but I so severely want to. I'd say I could murder a man, but in all reality, I'm a chicken. My thoughts are overbearing, but I just want to know what to do with the well figured frame asleep on cushioned poolside chairs. I want the excuses of demons, voices, fear, abuse, but I don't have them. I came from this lovely family, with a mum, and dad, and sister, and I've never had anything too traumatic to fear, hear, or see. It's sick wanting to diagnose yourself with something, just to have something to blame, but in all reality, I'm just a boy stuck in a mans body.

"Harry, you okay?" She rubs her sleepy eyes. Far from it love, but now that you're here I'm... no, no, stupid Harry, stupid. Oh god, she's waiting for a response.

"Dandy." To prove it I strike my hands up in a thumbs up, and put on the biggest, greatest smile I can manage. But by the look in her eyes I can tell I've yet to fool her-groggy-self. "No seriously," I clear my throat looking anywhere, but her. "I was only thinking."

"Okay." She drags her suspicions further and says, "If you're sure." She's clearly not taking the scat the bears shitting out and if I had the power I'd pin her against this wall, right now, and whisper as many dirty words into her ear as I could muster. That's only if it was up to me though, I'd rather not be labeled along with the rest of the pedophile-type.

"Hows'bout I show you you're room, and we can get some shut eye. I think we all need it after today. Why don't we get some shut eye?" I decide to take her to the right rather than the left, into my room. I like the thought of her bare or pajamaed body, asleep in my bed.

When she puts her first foot in the door, she noticeably takes in the thick scent. It reminded me of earlier today when I inhaled my first intake of her room, her room was thick in sleep and cinnamon. I can just imagine her wild senses, alike mine, as she took in my room. "Wait, what about my stuff." I knew at that moment what I'd tell her.

I'd tell her: "that dresser there is full of my stuff, feel free to take anything you need." I wanted her to feel belonged to and most importantly: at home... or at least comfortable.

I'm sorry guys about the late update, I went to Minnesota with the fa, mainly bc there's no clothes tax! Aha, but star wars was rad, and so was the buffet and the rodeo. I'm uber excited with what I got, I got a 90's jacket (adorbs) also an acid wash skater skirt and a Polaroid camera shirt, amazing teal worker shoes.. Kinda like combats or timbers... Aha. Shopping is literally my forte! I got myself another pink sweat shirt, and got a free bralette with the purchase, and now my friend owes me like 40 so I'm not totally disappointed in myself for spending all my money, cause I didn't. You see,  whoever got more paid for all of our stuff, but she had to go return something so I ended up paying for her stuff at forever 21... It was fun though. And I can't wait until next year.

Btw I hope you guys are liking the story. If there's anything you like to see, please feel obligated to dm me or something. And it'd be lovely to the max if you guys shared with others you think might like this or my other story, and I'm actually continuing that one again! So have fun loves and enjoy!

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