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They always say keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but right now, at this moment, that's all been chucked out the window. Being such abnormal circumstances tells me you got to keep you girlfriend's daughter closest. It clearly states in the law that it is illegal to have sexual relations with a minor, but I just might risk that if Wesley were to ask. I'm in no position to tell her no, first of all, I'm her father figure at the moment, and second, I'm working up to being her moral support, and if that means keep her close and risking my criminal status, the one I don't plan on having, I'd do it.

"Coming?" She tears through my thoughts like Cupid on steroids, and man am I glad for that, I am thinking way to far into this. What I need to do is relax.

What if in her eyes I'm some pedophile? What if she tests me, then tells the authorities? What if I'm simply not good enough? Maybe too old? - relax Harry, go with the flow. I'm starting to worry if this will be a continuous reminder throughout the day or whether I can just focus on this teenage beauty.

"Yeah." I answer quietly but effective enough. I just need to get us out to my cabin up on Sacketts Lake. The fresh lake air is all anyone could need to refresh and let go, I'm hoping it'll be the remedy that'll have her letting go, setting off her attraction towards me.

I hurry up the stairs and down the hallway towards her room to find she's taking a shower. Wouldn't have known she needed one if I hadn't waited all that time in that stuffy hospital room waiting for her to awaken. She smelt like fresh laundry and tropical beaches.

I walk into her room to look around, I find several pictures of her and friends. One is of her and two girls, one with eccentric purple hair, a flower crown to compliment it, and one with normal brown hair dressed in Chanel, Gucci, or some other top designer's clothing. Both her friends were noticeably slimmer and taller, but in no way came close to her beauty. Her grandeur and pulchritude did more inexplainable things to me than she'd ever believe, but for now I was the only one to know the level of attraction I felt towards her. It didn't even happen this fast with her mother, so I was befuddled to say the least.

I was always open to the idea of 'love at first sight' but never experienced it, and I've still got to figure in a few things to actually know what's going on right now. I'm like a boy hitting puberty all over again, except thirty-four.

"Your so beautiful." I'd been holding onto that same photo of her and her friends gawking at her beauty. In this photo, the light hit just right, the smile she put on was more than enlightening; barely any teeth showing, laughing, squinting one eye. She obviously hadn't wanted to take the picture because her friends were holding her tight into the perfectly captured sandwich, but she obviously liked it enough to keep it.

"I know they are." She was closer than I thought, let alone the fact that she was in here. I looked at the broken wood, and shattered glass upon her floor, yet, she didn't care. She had no ideas I was talking about her though, she thought... her friends were the ones I was speaking of. I just had to say something.

"Wesley," Then my brain speaks through my heart's and dick's commands, and now I know I can't speak what I had originally planned on speaking. "Err, you heard that?"

I can see the hope lost in her eyes, which made me hope she'd want me to say what was right. She looks as if she's about to tear up, but she doesn't. Wesley only stands there staring at me, and her body shook her for feelings, but hell if she'd show any. "Yeah."

"Crap, no." Color was readmitted to her shaky features, something my small words could do to her alone. She wanted me to tell her she was beautiful, that she was more than anyone else, that I wanted her, not her mother, but I couldn't. The problem was, I wanted to so badly, and she needed it much more than she let on, but I, I can't do this to her or myself. "That's not what I'd planned on saying." I had to tell her. If she rejected me, fine, I'd serve the consequences.

"Wesley, you are." I walk closer, staring her right in the eyes, using my dull ones as a weapon. Girls always said they were alluring, and that they practically chose their next move; controlling. She gasps a little as my finger brushes her soft jaw line, one that you'd only see if you focused the hell out of yourself on it, but it was there. In my book, she didn't need a jawline, or ribs you could see, or fingers that were spider like, she just had to be herself. "You're beautiful." She looks away. "Look at me." I command in a not so calm manner, it's impolite to look away when someone's speaking to you, but when she did it, it didn't bother me so much, because I knew.

She still doesn't look at me. "What have they done to you darling?" She looked petrified, traumatised, yet, in all ways ecstatic because of the way I'm speaking of her. "Come here doll." Wesley acts quickly, not wasting anytime not being my arms. She needed this, but I'm pretty sure she's not thinking too much of my words, because any father figure could say my words without them being alarming.

She was so much better than her mother, her body fit mine like we were made for each other. (a/n: aha, it rhymes! Sorry, had to 😂😁.) She had this goddess face, and rosy cheeks, all these itty-bitty features that'd make you step back and ask if she was real. Wesley had me feeling as if I were Cupid, as if I'd just shot her every time my heart beat for her. If only it'd work that way, I'd have shot her for her love. I wish I could've went back in time and sent her mother down with Jack and Rose, hoping she'd replace Jack's outcome. I know it sounds harsh, but it'd give me a reason to go for the right girl, at an appropriate age.

(Take the last statement how you may, but I either meant he could wait for her, or he'd be after that older woman he so desperately desires bc if her mom went back Wesley would have aged her to the point of making her 39 to 40 years old.)

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