Dream Spell

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The whipping wind slowed and Morgana was able to see again. Morgause opened her eyes and smiled. They had appeared in a cold and dark cave.

"We are here!" Morgause practically sang out.

"Where exactly is here?" Morgana asked as she looked farther down the dark cave.

"The spell needs to be cast by using Valor water. The water holds special powers that make it a great component for dream spells. The water can be found from a spring deep in the cave."

Morguase flung out her arm towards the dark end of the cave. Slowly a light made its way towards Morgana and Morgause. It lit up the entire cave so the once black walls turned to a dirt brown color and Morgana could see mud and twigs sticking out from the walls. As she followed the light she felt the roundness of pebbles rolling under her feet. The farther into the cave they walked the more noises Morgana heard. There were squeaks of mice and the echoes of wings flapping through the air from bats, whose homes were being disturbed by the light.

"Do you hear that?" Morgana asked as she listened to the sound of rushing water.

"That is the sound of the spring."Morgause smiled as she led the way to the spring. "With this water and your bracelet the nightmares will stop."

"No!" Morgana snapped as she stepped away from the water.

If she did the spell with Morgause it would be great practice for her and she could start to use more powerful spells. It would be a great step for Morgana. At the same time if she did the spell that would me her nightmares would stop. If the nightmares stop then Morgana would never be able to find out what Gwaine was trying to say. Even though the dream terrified her Morgna knew she needed to have it. She knew that it meant something.

"My dear?" Morgause reached for Morgana's hand. "Tell me why you don't want to do this spell. It is a harmless spell. It is absolutely perfect for you to practice with."

Morgana rubbed her hands togerther nervously as she paced while she told Morguase about how she led an attack on Camelot. She told Morgause about the brutes and Gwaine being back in Camelot. Then after a long pause Morgana told her friend how Gwaine stabbed her.

"Morgana, I thought you told me that Sir Gwaine was no longer a threat?"

"He isn't. I don't understand any of it, but the last time I had the dream it was a bit different. Before I threw him against the table Gwaine looked as though he was about to say something."

"What did he say?" Morgause asked.

"I don't know. Morguase, if we do this spell I will be able to find out."

Morgause shook her head and smiled at Morgana as she wrapped her arms around her and gave her a hug. Morgause had always seen Morgana as a powerful and strong woman, but for the first time Morguase saw her friend in a different way. She saw the frightened, weak, and tired Morgana. It had escaped Morgause's mind that Morgana had just lost the man she loved, been shoved into a prison cell, and left there to rot by her only true family. Poor Morgana had been through a lot and Morgause was so wrapped up in the change to improve Morgana's power that she did not even realize how much it was affecting Morgana.

"I am so sorry, my dear. I have been very selfish. Do not worry about the spell. We are putting the spell on the bracelet not you. If you don't want to wear the bracelet it is ok just take it off." Morgause said apologetically.

Morgana squeezed Morgause and moved closer to the spring. She took Morgause's hand and kneeled down next to the spring. While Morgause unclasped the bracelet and placed it down on the ground in a small puddle of water between them Morgana closed her eyes and cleared her mind. For a few moments the two of them stayed kneeling on the ground in silence. Then Morgana felt the warming sensation start in her hands. It traveled all the way through her body, and the same happened to Morgause. Just like with all the other spells Morgana ever did the next thing that happened was the prickling that also worked its way through her body.

The difference with this spell was that the pain of the prickling lasted longer, Morgana felt her heart beating faster than ever before, and her eyes flashed gold and the spell was complete. The bracelet laid on the ground glowing gold from the magic that had just been placed on it. Morgana picked up the bracelet and put it back on her wrist.

"Thank you!" Morgana stood and smiled.

"You did it! Morgana, you can perform harder spells!"Morgause jumped up and hugged Morgana.

Since they knew Morgana was capable of preforming higher level spells Morgause was sure her new plan to kill Uther and Arthur was flawless. They would sneak into the castle the same way Morgause did when she helped Morgana escape. If they snuck in to the castle at night after everyone was asleep then Morgana would be able to cast a spell to keep Uther unconscious. While he was unconscious Morguase would use a rare poison to kill him. Then they would do the same to Aruthr.

This new plan would keep things simple and reduce the risk of there being any slip ups. Between Morgana and Morgause they would be able to use their magic to defend themselves if it came to that. As far as Morgause knew no one from the castle would know they were coming so that they would have the element of surprise.

"Morgause, what are you thinking?" Morgana asked.

"Morgana, you clearly are powerful enough to do these kinds of spells. The first time I did the dream spell I passed out and slept for three days. If not done properly this kind of magic can be quiet a strain on the body. You do not seem tired or weak at all. In fact it is as if you only did a simple flame spell. Something that would not take as much energy or effort as a dream spell."

Morgana lifted her head proudly. Morgause was right, if there was one thing Morgana was good at it was magic. She had only discovered her magic a few months before and was already doing complex spells and learning to control her magic. Both women knew that the only way to overpower Uther was to use magic. If they tried to attack him head on with brute force he would be able to easily stop them.

"I know of a place to get rare... rare... things. Things that could help us take care of Uther and Arthur. If we get these things our job will be easy. Especially since we know you can do the spells." Morgause explained.

"What kind of things are you talking about?" Morgana asked as she made her way out of the cave.

"Poison" Morgause said flatly. "I know it sound cruel, but if we do it while they are a sleep it will not seem as bad and it will be easier to get the poison into their systems." Morgause explained.

Not sure about Morguase's plan Morgana gave her a look. To Morgana this plan did not seem well thought out. There still seemed to be too many things missing. Even if they were lucky enough to get their hands on this poison how could they be sure it will work?

"I don't know ..." Morgana said.

"What? You are not telling me you are having doubts? Not after what Uther did to you." Morgause stopped in her tracks waiting for Morgana to turn around and look at her.

"No. I want nothing more than for Uther to be dead. I just... I am not sure about this plan."

Morgause caught up with Morgana and took her by the wrist. Morgause closed her eyes and took a deep breath. All of a sudden images flashed before Morgana's eyes. She saw her and Morgause hiding in shadows along the castle wall as Morgause used her spell to knock the guards unconscious. Then Morgana saw the two of them inside Uther's chambers, and Morgana watched as she stood over her father's body and her eyes glowed a bright gold. Then Morgause poured a yellow liquid into Uther's ear. Cautiously they crept out of Uther's chambers and into Arthurs where they repeated the same precise steps until both men had the poison in their bodies. Before the guards regained consciousness Morgana and Morgause snuck out of the castle and back to their safe cottage. The flashes of images stopped and Morgana saw Morgause watching her reaction to the plan.

"How... what..?

"I just did a spell to show you what I was thinking. That is how I imagine the plan going. You are now powerful enough to do a spell that will keep both Uther and Arthur asleep long enough for me to administer the poison. We should be able to do it quick enough that the guards will still be unconscious when we are ready to leave. It will be easy and quick." Morgause explained.

"How do you know the poison will work?" Morgana asked still not totally convinced with Morgause's plan.

"I know because the poison is called Henbane. It's only purpose is to kill." Morgause said deviously.

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