Gone Mad

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"Morgana, would you please tell me what is going on? I just told you life shattering news and now you are sitting here spouting out nonsense and talking to yourself!"

Morgana gave Morgause a twisted smile. For the first time in months things finally made sense. Morgana knew who she was and how she came to be. She knew who to trust and who had betrayed her.

"Morgana?" Morgause was begging for an explanation.

"I need your help Morgause. You are the only person I can trust." Morgana put her hands over Morgause's hand. "I think someone may know the truth about my powers. If they do then they are sure to go to one of the Knight who will then tell Uth... my father."

"How do you know all of this Morgana? You only just discovered your powers yourself."

"You said it yourself, Gaius has been the court physician for years and when I was in his chambers he had tons of books about magic. I am sure he used to practice it. He knows that I have not been sleeping. He has seen what the power has been doing to me. I am sure he has figured it out." Morgana began to explain her theory.

"You think he would tell Uther?"

"Of course I do! Don't you?"

"Yes, but how? Uther would never believe him." Morgause pointed out.

Morgana nodded her head eargly, already prepared to answer Morgause's next question. The more she thought about Gwaine's involvement in Gaius's plan to tell Uther the more she was convinced that was what she overheard them talking about.

"It is simple. Gaius will tell Sir Gwaine all about my magic and my family. Then Gwaine can be the one to report it to Uther. Gwaine would have no reason to lie to the King so Uther would be forced to look into it. Not knowing that I have caught on to his plan Gaius would assume I have no idea that he knows and they would try to catch me doing magic. If Uther saw it with his own eyes he would have no choice but to kill me, like he did my parents." Morgana finished explaining her theory to Morgause.

Morgause sat there shocked at what she was hearing. It was as if Morgana had gone mad with paranoia, but then there was some sense to what she was explaining. Morgause knew the way Uther was with magic. She had witnessed it first hand with her sister. At the time Morgause was too weak to do anything to protect her sister, but since then she had grown much more powerful. She was not going to let history repeat itself and let anything happen to Morgana. She considered Morgana's well thought out theory and decided that they needed to do something to protect themselves.

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