Return To Camelot

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            Like a force to be reckoned with Arthur and the Knights returned to Camelot. They may have come back empty handed, but there was no way Arthur would give up. They had a led and new where to look for Morgause.

"Where is she? Where is Morgana?" Uther called from the steps of the castle.

Arthur shook his head signaling that they were not able to bring her home. Arthur dismounted his horse and handed his sword and chainmail to Merlin for cleaning. Merlin sighed at the list of chores he had to get done. Then made his way to his room in Gaius's chambers and started his work.

Uther stood angry on the steps waiting for Arthur to explain why he did not bring Morgana back with him and the other Knights. Regretfully Arthur did not have a good explanation. They could have saved her, but instead she was still in the clutches of Morgause. Arthur stood face to face with his father and did not know where to begin. He told Uther about the cottage and that they were sure Morgause was the one who inhabited the cottage. Uther waved his hands in a motion that meant he wanted Arthur to continue explaining.

"Father, I heard her. Morgana was definitely at the cottage. If it was not for her voice we would have never found the cottage. I told the men to hold back. I did not know what kind of resources Morgause had. We would have just gone in there blindly." Arthur explained.

"You are telling me you let Morgause take Morgana away?" Uther spat. His eyebrows were scrunched his eyes fiercely looking at Arthur as he tried to determine what happened in the forest.

"I was afraid to put Morgana or my men in any more danger than they already were in. When we did go in it was too late. They disappeared from right under us."

Standing on the steps of the castle Uther screamed at Arthur, "You were afraid! Morgana is still at the hands of a power sorcerer because you were afraid to put your men, the Knights who vowed to go into battle for you in danger!" Uther did not need to hear anything else. In his mind Arthur was at fault and needed to make up for his mistake. Uther stormed back into the castle leaving his son standing alone on the steps. Servants who were out in the square stopped what they were doing and looked at Arthur as he ran his finger through his hair. To the servants it almost seemed like he wanted to rip his hair out.

"Arthur? Is everything alright?" Gwen came up behind him and carefully placed her hand on his arm.

Startled by her sudden appearance Arthur jumped away from Gwen pulling his arm away from her causing her to lose her grip on him and fall forward. Instinctively Arthur reached out to catch her and prevent her from falling. He grabbed her arm and wrapped his other arm around her waist. Gwen stayed hovering above the ground until Arthur pulled her up right again.

"Thank you!" Gwen exclaimed.

Modestly Arthur nodded and shrugged. In return Gwen smiled and the two of them stayed standing on the steps smiling at each other. They seemed to be in a trance where time stopped and everything around them had vanished. Arthur watched the wind blow strands of hair across Gwen's face. Gwen was a servant so it made sense that her hands and face were always dirty. Unlike most of the women Arthur knew Gwen was not exposed to the same luxuries. She was not able to spend days bathing herself or brushing her hair. Instead she spent most of her days rushing about the castle heeding each of the Lady Morgana's commands.

Just like Arthur, Gwen also stood still watching Arthur. The last few times Gwen saw Prince Arthur he seemed different. She could not put her finger on what exactly was different, but she knew that something was not right. She could see it in his face. At one time Arthur looked happy and carefree. Other men were jealous of his relaxed life. His once clam face was tainted with wrinkles of worry and stress. His sun colored hair was normally brushed back in a slick manor, but as Gwen looked at him on the castle steps his hair was tangled and untamed. Gwen remembered Arthur's once bright blue eyes reminded her of the sky on a clear summer day. When she looked at them on the steps of the castle they had grown dim and almost gray. Gwen's thoughts trailed off as she admired Arthur's appearance.

When she finally came back to reality Gwen realized that Arthur still had his hand on her waist. She began to blush as she realized Arthur was staring at her. She bit her lip as he locked his eyes on hers and his smile grew.

"Arthur, are you ok?" Gwen finally asked.

"Yes, yes." Arthur responded after clearing his throat and shaking his head.

"Are you sure? You seem a little out of it." Gwen noted.

"Yes I am sure. Why would you say something like that?"

"Well maybe because you still have your hand on my waist." Gwen said looking down at his hand. Arthur blushed and pulled his hand away. He rubbed his hands together not knowing what to do with his hands now. Then Gwen continued and said, "Also you seemed upset when I first walked up."

"I am ok. Truly, I just... We went out to find Morgana last night." Arthur said as he and Gwen entered the castle and walked towards the kitchen. "I made a stupid mistake and now Morgana is still in danger." Arthur sighed.

Gwen looked away from Arthur as she imagined her friend Morgana being held captive by and evil sorcerer. Poor Morgana must be so scared and weak, thought Gwen. This sorcerer knew exactly what she was doing. Going after the Lady Morgana not only put Uther into a panic but it also greatly affected Arthur. The entire castle was worried about her, and with Arthur's return people are beginning to fear the worst.

"Arthur, I know you will find her. You are a good Prince and will not give up until you know she is safe. The people of Camelot believe in you. We know you are faced with tough decisions and have to act quickly. I am sure you did what was best at the time... Plus Morgana is strong. She can take care of herself until you can help her." Gwen said with confidence. Even if Arthur did not believe in himself, Gwen did. She knew Arthur would act in the best interest of everyone. He would not willingly put his men in danger until he was sure he had no other options.

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