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"Morgana, your parents were not the only ones that suffered at the hands of Uther. My poor sister was killed by a regiment of his soldiers. For preforming a simple healing spell on a scrape I had." Morgause's deep blue eyes whelled up as she told the story. "I am sorry I left in such a panic last night. I had this idea, that if I scared Uther enough it would make him weak and he would allow magic back into the Kingdom. You see, I was the one who hired the masked man to attack Arthur in the market. I had no idea you would be there. If I did I swear I would have never gone through with it."

Morgana listened to Morgause's explanation, but she still did not understand how Morgause could hold so much hatred for the Pendragon family. Especially against Arthur, who clearly was innocent of all of his father's crimes. Morgana felt a pang of anger towards Uther for what Morgause claims he did to her parents, but without any proof Morgana could feel nothing but sympathy towards Uther. If he had nothing to do with these horrible things Morgause was accusing him of then it was no wonder he had such ill feelings towards magic. It was being used to make him look like a cruel king.

"Morgause, you have been so dear to me these past few days, and truly you are the only person I can talk to. I just can't understand it. If Uther truly is as horrible as you say then how have I never seen it? How is it that I have lived my whole life in this castle and not one other person has accused Uther of these things?" Morgana was begging for some kind of proof. She was torn between the only family she had ever known and the one person who understood what she was going through.

"If all you need is proof then go down to Gaius's Chambers. There you will find a red leather bound book. Gaius had been the court physician for years and one of Uther's most trusted advisors. That book will hold all of the proof you need. It holds all of the birth and death records from before you were even born. That is where you will see that both of your parents were accused of using magic, and as a result they were killed."

Morgana instantly stood up and turned to leave. She was determined to put an end to all of her confusion. Either she would find out that the man who practically raised her was a murder or she would learn that Morgause was lying and a threat to the King.

"Wait! Before you go, you should know that there is more to the story than what I have shared with you these past few nights. There are things that I thought would be better if you find out later, once your power is more developed. Clearly I should have told you sooner, but now we don't have time. Just be careful and be advised, you are living a lie..."

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