Chapter 10 (Chrysanthe)

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After what happened with that Forest guy I drove straight home. That didn't happen, that didn't happen.

I sit in the car holding the steering wheel tightly. "Alright Chrysie breath." I tell myself. It's not like the hottest guy I've ever seen just kissed me.

I jump out of the van and walk into my amazing cabin. My room is where the living room should be, but I loved the glass wall view so much I made it into my bedroom.

I lay face down on my bed tired of all that has happened. I thought I was getting away from my stressful life, not creating a new one. "Why did this happen to me?" I mumble into the bed sheets.

I sit up and look out the window into the amazing forest. I decide what I need the most right now is a hot shower. So I grab a pair of shorts a tank top and some undergarments as I walk up stairs to the bathroom. I shed off all my clothes of yesterday and let the hot water run over me washing away all my troubles.

You would think moving from New York to here would make my life easier, but somehow it has become more complicated. I sigh as I wash my golden locks of hair. After my big snap I thought I was done with all this stress.

You see what happened was, I became a big vet in the state of New York. Word got out and I was under pressure all the time. I started to date a very hot and rich stock broker, to only find out he was cheating on me. And then I snapped at work yelling and totally breaking down at my workplace. So I decided to get away from the big city and moved to the town of Trialwood.

I turn off the water and dry of putting my hair in a towel. I get dressed and decide to make some breakfast since I didn't get to it this morning. A lot of things happened this morning and the most memorable was Forest. Why can't I get him out of my head.

I sigh as I head down stairs to the kitchen to make myself some cinnamon apple oatmeal. "Maybe I should call Henry and tell him to close up shop for today." I say to myself. Nah, I'll go in later today. I can only hope I'll be fine by then. But why won't Forest ever leave my mind? What is it about him that drives me crazy? Ugh, whatever it is I'll figure it out.

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