Ch 26. Captured Heart?

Comenzar desde el principio

"What?" I went to the kitchen to check if he needed more money to get food. It was stuffed well so I grabbed some juice and stuffed it in because I was so thirsty.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Just my luck. Just when I am drinking something he have to ask something like that. The juice flew all over the floor and I wiped it off before answering him. I walked to the living room, and his eyes sparkled of excitement.

"No!" He looked away in disappointment. "Just a stupid guy." I felt a bit bad saying that. Then he suddenly sighed.

"What was that?" I demanded for answer. He kept looking at the TV I recently bought for him because he was bored at home. "Chris!" I said.

"It's just that I think you'll never get a boyfriend if you don't start thinking about yourself." He ate the chips faster and faster. He does that when he thinks I'm angry. Stuffing in everything edible when he knows he have said something bad.

But I didn't know how to react. Instead I just left with a "whatever".


I got up from the bed, glad that it was a Saturday. I need some rest actually. But I didn't feel like lying around here at the dorm. I wanted to go out and have fun. But it seemed that Emíne was sick and Ambreal was out on a trip or something. I remembered everything Darrén had told me yesterday, He can't really be in love with me, can he? I think it's impossible but I've always heard everyone say that nothing is impossible for love.

I have to confirm this. I grabbed my right cellphone for the first time to call Darrén. Here I go, from Krystal's phone.

I waited until I realised he was in the bathroom. Shit. I still haven't gotten used to this because I am always alone when I am here. When I'm here, he's out and when he's here I'm in the music room! His cellphone made big sounds and he answered.

"Hello?" he said and I clearly heard that he was brushing his teeth.

"Hi Darrén." I said nervously. He got quiet for a while.

"Wait I gotta go check something... it's like I just heard you outside." What? The doorknob turned and I got panicked, jumping out from the window. He looked around the room and shrugged when no one was there.

"Darrén?" I said as I sat on the grass.

"Oh sorry, it was nothing. What's up?" He spit out the toothpaste and cleansed it then I talked to him.

"I kind of... have nothing to do today and was wondering if you want to go see a movie?" Silence.

"S-Sure! Where?" He sounded so surprised.

"Can you meet up by the cinema in about a half hour?" I saw that he was nodding when he came out from the bathroom. He saw me and thought that I was talking to Sarah. He pointed at his cellphone and lip synced my name. Yes, my name - Krystal, the one I was born with. I pretended that I didn't get what he said.

"Yeah, I'll see you there then." he said before I hanged up and he smiled at me.

"Chris!" he yelled. I jumped in and looked at him, playing dumb.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm so fucking happy!" He was jumping all over the place. Okay. This guy is in love with me.


"What do you want to see?"

"I don't know..." I sighed. "I don't know what's good."

"How about that?" He was pointing at a typical chick flick named The Rose.

"Are you kidding me?!" I shrieked. "I think that chick flicks are lame." I actually do. They're good but I'm not comfortable with love scenes and everything because I am not really well raised with love everywhere around me. He smiled.

"What do you want to see then?" I caught him looking at an action movie. I read the description and got a bit interested. It was something about a guy that's an agent and blah blah.

"That one." He grinned and payed our tickets.

"I-I can pay my share!" I tried to convinced him but didn't really do that well.

"You're the girl you know." he said and took the tickets the old lady handed him. I touched his arm to show him my gratitude.

"Thanks Darrén." He stopped walking because he was shocked, as I went pass him into the cinema.


"You never stop surprising me." he said. I was all happy because I had fun watching it and walked out like a drunk person would do.

"What do you mean?" I smiled. I was really annoyed of my bangs and was right on the edge of pulling it up but managed somehow.

"You ignore me when I try to talk to you, you're rude to me, you always knew about the bet, you don't like chick flicks, and look at you now!" I listened and did. "I don't mean it that way, but there's even more you know. I never knew that you were this funny." He was laughing.

Now I remembered something. This isn't some "hanging out with friends". I was supposed to investigate! I was supposed to see if Darrén was really in love with me! We walked around the streets and talked. We finally got into the love topic when he asked if I had had any boyfriends before.

"No." I said. He hummed.

"Have you been kissed then?" I nodded and then I only heard my brain telling me that I'm stupid.

"By who?" he said, all excited. Okay, I should listen to my brain more.

"P-Private." I looked away. He tried to catch glances of me but didn't manage to. My turn.

"How about you then? Have you had any girlfriends?" He nodded.

"Two, but the first one I got scared of and the other one just couldn't take anymore." Okay bad idea.

"Do you have someone you like now?" That I know, but I want to know who. And if it's really me.

"Kind of." He tried to ignore the "who" question.

"Please tell me." I plead.

"I can't." With that I couldn't push him further. When it's about his love he's hard like a rock. Won't budge. Whatever.

"I'll get you home." he said. I sat on his car and he drove me home again. I was a bit annoyed that I had to walk to school again but it's better than him knowing about my secret.


"Thanks for the ride." I thanked him. He smiled.

"No need to thank me." He drove away and I went in again.

"Chris?" I called out. It was pitch-black and I didn't understand why. Chris is scared of darkness so he'd never let off the lights. I lit it and met his face that's so similar to mine. But he looked somewhere else. At the person in front of him. My eyes widened without my permission.

What is he doing here?!


I don't think anyone can imagine who it is :P


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