Chapter Five

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I felt someone shaking me and I cracked one eye open to see Nigel staring at me. The drive here had been silent, I gathered that Nigel wasn't much of a talker so I felt awkward and the exhaustion had obviously gotten to me so I must have fallen asleep.

''We're here'' he said and I stretched out, "I hope you don't mind but I brought you to my house since Jen and Nick's phones are off. He looked tense as he stood there and I cleared my throat then said that I didn't mind then climbed out of the car and saw Kayla staring at me questioningly.

"Hi" I waved and she ran to hide behind her dad's leg.

"Kayla this is Aunty Jen's cousin, Ava" Nigel gently pulled her from behind his leg and she stared at me then came around and offered me her tiny hand which I shook.

"You gonna play dollies with me." she dragged me to the front door and her dad unlocked the door for us to walk in and I gasped. The house was spectacular and as I walked in further, I saw the beautiful plain black couches in the living room and the vase of flowers on the table, there were photos and framed artwork hanging from the walls and from the looks of it the artwork was Kayla's.

"You have a beautiful home.'' I said to Nigel, it looked like it had a woman's touch, must have been his wife who had decorated. There were throw pillows on the couches, matching curtains, there was clearly a great attention to detail when the house was decorated, the walls were a plain white but on one side of the wall was a myriad of pink and yellow hand and footprints, I pointed to it questioningly but Nigel wasn't the one to answer, "That's me and daddy's hands and foot.'' Kayla grinned.

''Feet.'' Nigel corrected.

''Feeeeet.'' Kayla drew out with a giggle and he rolled his eyes mumbling something that made her laugh, the exchange was too cute.

"So umm... Can I get you anything to drink?" Nigel offered and I shook my head smiling kindly.

"Well okay, I'll go get started on dinner." He said walking towards the kitchen and told me to make myself at home.

"I can help" I spoke up and he was about to answer but was cut off by Kayla.

"No, you gonna play dollies." She said and Nigel just shrugged, I then followed her up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Cool room" I muttered in awe as I looked around and she beamed at me.

"Here you take this dolly and I take this one." She said handing me a Barbie doll dressed in a blue floor length gown and then she took out a Wonder Woman action figure and we then had a tea party. I'd never hung out with a toddler before but I was actually having so much fun.

"I ordered pizza instead." Nigel said and I looked up from my small tea cup and saw him standing at the threshold and noticed that he had changed out of his suit, now wearing basketball shorts and a grey V-neck which emphasised his muscles, gosh the man was hot! I wanted to-

"Aba!" Kayla's voice brought me out of my nearly perverted thoughts about her dad and I blushed then looked at her.

"Let's go" she said pulling me on my arm, I got up and followed her back down the stairs.

The pizza came and we sat at the table, wasting no time digging in, I was starved. I wondered briefly where Nigel's wife was and why she wasn't joining us but decided against asking him, I didn't want to seem nosy. I don't think I would want her to be here anyway, she'd probably end up seeing me ogling at her husband and that would just be really awkward.

Kayla hopped onto her dad's lap and started eating his pizza when hers was finished. Watching the two of them laugh and be cute together was a very heart-warming sight. I couldn't wait for that to be me one day and watching my husband interact with our kids.

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