Tell Me Everything

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Ryan Ross did what ever the hell he felt like doing. And he did it when ever the hell he felt like doing it. Everyone with a brain in their head knew better than to challenge that. Which is why no one ever said anything to Ryan about the array of drugs he liked to do from time to time.

The most common was the weed. He did it almost everyday. Almost. Sometimes he just didn't feel like doing it. But the high from weed was a weak high. And it made him hungry. Ryan didn't like to eat much. Ryan needed to stay the perfect size he always was. No one would worship a fatass. So weed wasn't his favorite. But it was the cheapest. So he used it the most. It's not like money was an issue, that was just a smart choice. It would hurt his body the least.

His next drug of choice was his pills. He did those only a few times a week. Sometimes only once a week. The pills ranged from E to Perks. They were a bit on the pricy side. But Ryan loved the high. It made him feel like he was floating. It made him feel happy. It made him want sex more. And Ryan was already a pretty sexual guy. The pills were his feel good choice.

His last option was the strongest. And it was obviously the most expensive. The one he only used when he was just having his bad days. And yes, despite the utopia that was his life, Ryan Ross had bad days. He just made sure no one else was around to see them. The last drug made him numb. It made it almost impossible to think. It made all the negative thoughts fade away in the background when his high reached it's peek. His cocaine.

Ryan sat staring at the kitchen table. His eyes flickered between each of the drugs. Trying to decide which he was in the mood for. He wasn't sad enough for the cocaine. It was Friday after all. That meant fun day. He placed the coke back in it's cookie jar.

He wasn't bored enough to sit around and smoke the joint. And the bong annoyed the hell out of him. He tossed the weed in it's cookie jar. Smiling down at the pills.

He only had three pill types as of right now. The E made him feel too sexual. He placed them in the jar. The Codeine was too strong for his mood. He placed them in the jar with the E. That left his Perks. He grabbed one and put the rest up. Sliding the Cookie jars back in place.

As if on cue, his front door opened. He knew it was probably Pete and the guys. He glaced down at his watch. It was only 12:13. They must had skipped school today too.

He walked into the living room just as they closed the door behind them. He tossed the pill in his mouth and swallowed. All of them saw but none of them said anything. It was usual. And all of them had used it before.

Pete, Jon, Andy and Gerard took their usual seats on the couches. Ryan sat down in the thrown he'd gotten online for three hundred bucks last month. It made him feel like a king. He was a king. The king of this college at least.

"What do you know?" He asked his friends.

"His name is Brendon Boyd Urie. He's nineteen years old. He just transfered from some pathetic college in the middle of no where. He's a straight A student. All honors classes. He's here on a full scholarship."

"A scholarship?" Ryan repeated. "Does that mean he's poor or something?"

"Not exactly." Andy put in. "His family is middle class. Barely. But still middle class."

Ryan tilted his head to the side in confusion. Jon sighed.

"Yes, Ryan. Compared to you, he's poor."

"And he hangs around with exactly who you would expect. A group of nobodies. The nerds. He's in the lower dorms. His roommate is Patrick Stump. The smart ass from Music Education." Pete chimed in.

"And his clothes are hideous. He will literally wear anything." Gerard pretended to gag. "His car is trash and his split ends are even worse. Yet despite it all, he is as cute as everyone says."

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