"I don't know, but I'm feeling better."

"That's good. What was it like being in the hospital?"

 "Um, not really what I expected. I had to wear a paper gown and everything though."

She bursted into laughter, "Wow, sounds embarassing."

I nodded, "I was holding the back closed the whole time."

"So what did your mom say about the party?"

"She let me slide."

"Lucky you."

"Yeah... Lucky."

She gave me a worried look and sat on the chair next to her couch, "Come into my office," She said with an accent as she patted the couch.

I sat on the couch and sighed.

"What's wrong Kimmy?"

"Uh, you know how me and Dylan always hang out?"

"Yeah, you him and Alice are inseperable."

I visibly flinched, "Well, I love him. I was gonna tell him..."


"He's dating Alice! i know this... But it's not fair."

"I know Kimmy, but she made a move."

"Yeah, but she didn't even talk to me about it."

"Why would she talk to you about it?"

"Because we were suppose to be best friends and best friends tell their friends if they like a guy and are planning to ask them out!"

"Kimmy, did you tell her about YOUR feelings for Dylan?"

"Well no, but."

"No buts Kimmy, you are being hypocritical. How was she suppose to know that you liked him?"

"So I am in the wrong now?"

"No, but you can't blame her either. don't let some guy come in between your frienship."

"But it's DYLAN!"

"Kimmy... Come on."

 I flopped back against the cushion, "Your right. He doesn't like me anyways. I'd rather have him as a friend than not having him at all."

"Good, now let's watch a movie."

"What movie?"

"Well I was thinking we'd rent all the Nightmare on Elm Streets and make a night of it."

"Cool, let me call my mom and see if I can stay and just go to school with you tomorrow."

"Sure, you know where the phone is girlie."

I smiled and ran to the phone. I dialed my home number quickly and asked my mom. She knew i needed to be cheered up so she said it was alright. I said goodbye and hung up, walking over to where Emma was harnessing up Rose, her girl puppy.

"We have to walk down there."

"Fine with me," I smiled, "I'll need to borrow some pjs later and clothes for school."

"No Problem, now let's hurry."

I nodded and then we were out the door. It was a fun walk. Rose had started to try to eat random flying bugs and it was cute the way she would try to jump sideways and get them. We got there and back by one thirty. Then we talked and laughed until her mom got home. We discussed some random things as we normally did. It was extremely relaxing. Then we ate dinner and afterwards ice-cream.

By eight, the first movie was in and the lights were off. We spent the rest of the night laughing at how badly made the movies were. At around ten we turned everything off and just layedin our sleeping bags.

"Hey Kim."


"Were you afraid?"

I thought for a minute before answering, "A little, at first. After a while, I wasn't so afraid."

"How did you get out?"

"Some new kid saved me."

"New kid?"

"Yeah, his name was Matt or something."

"Was he hot?"

I laughed, "Yeah. More charming than anything though."

She laughed, "You are now in debt to him Kimmy."

I rolled over to face her, "How do you figure?"

"He saved you, genius. What if he requests a date, huh?"

"I would... go I guess."

She laughed so hard that I could tell she was crying, "I don't think he would think that way about the situation, but hey, you have options now that Dylan is out."

I smiled, "I think he will be scooped up by Alice actually."


"Yeah, which actually would open up Dylan."

"Be careful Kimmy."

"Why do guys always flock to her?"

"I don't know. They flock to you too."

"Not really."

"Uh-huh, well okay then. Let's get some sleep. We have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, goodnight."

"Night Kimmy."

I rolled onto my side and tried to sleep.

Whispers Of Fate (To be re-written)Where stories live. Discover now