Chapter Twenty Four

Comincia dall'inizio

"Okay listen up everyone. The situation has gotten serious. My mate has been separated from my daughter and the other prisoners."

"Other prisoners?" Jake asks in disgust.

"Yeah..four women, a young child and a newborn." Growls ripple through the trees. I notice all the females go on defence, their maternal instincts coming forward. No child let alone a baby should be in that type of environment.

"Now doctors.." I turn to the waiting pack doctors.

"Dani has informed me that they are in dire need of medical attention. And with the baby born only mere hours ago-"

They nod and immediately start preparing their equipment.

"Another thing. The conditions that these women have been subjected to. The abuse-" I shake my head in disgust and try to gather my thoughts.

"I have been informed that there are three guards outside the cells where they are being kept. I have been asked to inform the male warriors to take caution when entering the area where the women are. Dani said they will be terrified of any man so she has asked me to send in female warriors. One can only imagine what they have been through so be cautious and everyone give them space."

I turn to Alpha Jake who has been cursing under his breath.

"Let's get a move on. I told Dani we were already there."

Only minutes later we take cover behind some bushes.

* "Spread out. Wait for my command."

I sense the wolves creeping through the trees surrounding the warehouse from all sides. Jake's wolf suddenly growls low and I look at him for an explanation. His eyes shift to a golden colour, his wolf fighting for control.

* "What is it?"

His anger and pain floods through the mindlink causing my confusion to double.

* " My mate's in there. I can smell her." His chest rumbles and I quickly remind him to keep quiet or he will blow our cover. Thankfully no one had been near enough to hear it. Turning my attention back to the warehouse I notice four wolves on our side walking around. Two in wolf form and two in human form.

* "Not much of a patrol for such a large warehouse." I mutter through the link.

OK enough of this waiting.

* "On three. One...two...three!"

Snarling wolves tear out of the trees all bound for the large building. The four werewolves spot us instantly but their necks are ripped out in swift motions as we dart past them. Wolves pour out of the building once they realise they are under attack.

Pathetic really.

A large wolf steps out of the sliding doors and peers at the battling wolves. It holds itself as if it was a king among measly peasants. I immediately recognise the pompus @ss. I think his name is Kyle.

My wolf takes over wanting to take out the immediate danger. I run towards him, images of him dead at my feet flashing through my mind. Blood pumps through my veins as I thunder towards his unsuspecting form. I crash into his side causing us to tumble on the ground.

How did he not sense me? I scoff inwardly. And he calls himself a wolf?

I quickly jump to my feet barely giving Kyle a second to recover. I bite the closest body part which is his front leg. My jaw clamps around his bone and with a jerk a satisfied snap is heard. He howls in pain and jumps back hopping on his good leg.

I snarl, saliva dripping off my teeth. Fear flashes in his eyes before he growls and runs towards me. His intent is to aim for my neck so I quickly duck and as he soars over my head I drag my claws across his stomach. One of my claws digs deep causing blood to gush out. He stumbles on his legs once he touches the ground. I spin around ready to end this.

The battle around me drowns out until my only target is Kyle's bleeding form. A body flies into my side teeth sinking into my back. I snarl at the wolf who sidetracked me while I wasn't looking. Coward. I buck causing him to fly off and into a tree. I jump on his disorientated form and snap his neck.

I sense a presence behind me and spin around just in time to see Kyle in the air. His claws cut into my chest pinning me to the ground. Snarling I snap my teeth as I writhe and buck underneath his bleeding form. His eyes flash and I knew he was getting over confident. He thought he had won. But it's not over until it's over.

My wolf howls in anger wanting the @sshole dead. Pulling my legs upwards I place them on his stomach and push with all my strength. He hits the ground with a whine but I don't stop. Running to him I wrap my jaw around his throat. He tries shaking me off but I only lock my jaws tighter. Blood starts to seep into my mouth but I hold tight as he slowly starts to weaken. Getting tired of the waiting I look into his eyes and with no remorse jerk my head snapping his neck with a loud crack.

I feel a pile of tension lift from my shoulders knowing the b@stard can't hurt my family or my mate again.

Turning around I see the piles of rogues littering the floor, fresh blood seeping into the grass.

* "Alpha all rogues are dead. We are now looking for-"

* "What? Jake?"

* "Shit gotta get in here.." His voice trails off and a feeling of dread comes over me.

* "Charlie...just a warning...brace yourself. She's not in good shape."

I knew who 'she' he was talking about. Not willing to wait a second longer I run towards the door passing other pack members who bow. Sniffing the air my nostrils become overwhelmed with my mates scent. Following the scent I end up in front of a large silver door noticing two dead rogues next to it. I step through the door and start jogging down the steps leading into the darkness. My mates scent becomes overpowering and I breathe it in in selfish gulps.

I knew I was getting closer. Her scent. And...her blood. My steps quicken until I spot Jake standing at the entrance of a room. Three other warriors stand with him in a huddle whispering softly among themselves. I notice all their faces are solemn making my heart rate increase.

Jake's head turns and his face shows sorrow and pity.

"What-" A scream so shrill and full of fear and terror fills the air. A shiver runs up my spine at the terrifying sound. That's when I realise that I'm standing in front of the open doorway leading into the room where my mate is. Slowly turning my head my eyes fall on the shaking form of my mate. Her eyes wide with terror staring at me. Fear is the only thing I can see as I look into Katie's eyes.

Fear of me.


I'm thinking of doing a spin-off/sequel on one the prisoners. The story will be of her returning to her family but obviously twists and obstacles along the way and maybe a love interest;-) It will be based about six months after this story so we will meet all of our fav characters again. We will hear of Katie's progress and all that... I'm excited to write it!

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Sinead xx

Second Chance At Life. Second Chance At Love.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora