We did not say a word so he continued.

“He ordered his death, even though he'd waited for hundreds years for a pure first born, just because he tried to leave the Manor with you and rather than force him to come back he ordered Henry to gut him like a pig. That's how stubborn he is and if he lets you leave it will make him look weak which he does not like. Do you know how many women he has forced himself on over the years and once he is bored with you, he'll pass you on to Henry, if he wants you and if he does you'll soon wish you were dead.”

“That's enough Geffrin”, Geffron said “I am going to make claim on her then he can't touch her.”

“Make claim, you stupid idiot, this is not the 1500's. I warned you, no I told you to leave her alone but you let your dick take over your brain and now she is going to pay the price. Not to mention what he's going to do to you”

“Marios has grown weak and become passive so I am walking out of here with her.”

“Rolled out in a box more like brother; you complete fool.”

Geffron punched Geffrin, “I told you that's enough, you are scaring her”.

Geffrin retaliated and they started to fight. I had never ever seen them really fight each other and this quickly became a real battle.

“Stop it! Stop it” I shouted but they just continued. They both smashed through the door and out into the hall. The screaming and banging had alerted the other brothers and the twins were quickly pulled apart by Henry, Gryffen, Olyver and Asin.

“What in hells name has gotten into you two?” Asin said. ‘I’ve never seen you fight each other before.”

Olyver laughed and pointed at me “I think it's more of a question of who has gotten into her.” I looked down and realised I was still half dressed. Henry walked over to me and grabbed my wrist; my mark had changed and was now completely black and almost unreadable. “Well someone’s been a naughty boy, which one of you two idiots did it?”

The twins did not answer, but the answer was clear as Geffrin was fully dressed and Geffron wasn’t.

“Let’s go,” Henry grabbed me by my neck and started to march me down the hall. I tried to fight him but he was too strong. He stopped for a moment turned around to Asin and said “Lock them in the cells.” The twins then started to put up quite a struggle while Asin and Olyver tried to drag them down to the cells.

Henry continued started to drag me down the hall, I knew he was taking me to Marios so I started to struggle and dropped to my knees but Henry just picked me up like I was a rag doll and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed but no one came to help me they were all to frightened.

Nicholyn and Waryn met stopped us at the end of the hall. “What's going on Henry?” Nicholyn asked.

“It’s none of your business so move.” Henry sneered.

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