The Great Marshmallow Wars

Start from the beginning

"Is everything okay in here?" I hear Cas's voice from outside the doorway, bringing me back to why I was in here anyway.

"Yeah, we're- we're good," I splutter, trying to hold back my laughs. "Um, I got your medicine," I say, handing him the pills and the glass of water. He nods his thanks and shuffles out of my sight. I move to follow him before I start laughing again. I throw a "Sorry!" over my shoulder as I leave, hearing Sam's grunt of displeasure. I chuckle one last time, and then run to find my blue eyed baby.

A few hours pass, resulting in nothing very exciting. Cas and I just had breakfast and sat in my room, playing video games. Well, I played and he watched. But finally, I shut it off, much to Castiel's surprise.

"I'm bored," I state, turning to Cas and staring into his blue eyes. "Can we just snuggle, and tell stories, and shit?" I ask, widening my eyes at him.

"Definitely," he sighs happily, moving over to give me room on the bed. I lie down next to him and wrap us in blankets.

In no time at all, we're telling childhood stories and memories, laughing about stupid things we'd done and sharing quiet moments when we talked about losses and sad times in our lives.

"Okay, Cas," I start, a laugh on my lips already. "Once, we were on a camping trip with Bobby and family friends, Ellen, Jo, and Ash, and literally everything went wrong. On my car, it was the craziest trip ever. When we set up camp, Bobby realized that he had left the cloth part of the tent back home. All we had were the poles. So we decided to go back and get it the next day, but sleep under the stars that night. The weather was perfect, it wasn't too cold or too hot and we went to bed not long after the fire was put out. Before we know it, the whole freaking ocean was dumped on our heads and we ran for 'cover' in the woods," I say animatedly, putting air quotes around cover. "But the rain leaked through the leaves above us, and then Sam started screaming for a good ten minutes because he thought he had seen a clown watching us from the woods. Long story short, we went home the next day, thank god."

Cas's laughs echo around my room and I chuckle with him, but mostly just listen to him. He was so beautiful, his laugh especially.

"That sounds...intense, Dean," he says and I smile.

"It was, Cas, believe me. We haven't been camping since." At Cas's funny expression, I ask, "Have you ever been camping?" He shakes his head and I sit up quickly, hand to my chest in shock.

"So what if I've never been camping?" he says, defending himself. "From what you described, it can't be that much to miss."

"Oh but, Cas. My sweet, darling, little Castiel. It's a lot to miss. I promise you here and now, that we will go camping sometime." I salute him, very dramatically promising to bring him camping and he smiles.

"Okay, Dean." Cas snuggles into my side and I lay back down at once. Soon, his slow breathing tickles my cheek and I realize that he's asleep. I ruffle his hair and slip away, tip-toeing out of my room and walking downstairs.

"Hey Sammy?" I call, my voice echoing around the bottom floor. It's eerily quiet, like someone is trying deliberately to make no noise. "Sam! Gabe!" I shout, still hearing nothing. "Weird." Muttering to myself, I start back to the hallway to go back to Castiel, when all of a sudden I'm ambushed.

"Get him!" I hear before a small object hits my lower back. I whip around, only to be hit square in the forehead.

"Hey! Are those marshmallows?" I yell, picking one up as I book it back up the stairs. Laughing is the only answer I get as marshmallows pelt into me. "Stop!" I shield myself, turning around to try and hold my ground. "Cease fire!"

"Well, if you say so..." Sam looks down in defeat, getting a startled look from Gabe standing next to him. "Kidding, you're not the boss of me!" He laughs and starts loading his marshmallow gun, Gabe now shooting his at me.

"Wait, wait! I just want-" Thunk. "Can I use-" Another hits me in the mouth and I spit it out. "Laptop! I just want your-" One in the eye this time. I groan and turn away again, running upstairs. "Bitch!" I yell over my shoulder. I hear a loud "Jerk!" from Sam at the bottom of the stairway.

\\Gabe's POV//
I turn my gun on Sam as soon as Dean flees out of our sight. "Times up, moose. It's hunting season." I let loose a marshmallow and it hits him right in the head.

"I trusted you!" he yells and shakes his fist as I disappear to my battle station (aka the kitchen) where I grab another bag of the gooey junk food off the kitchen table. Reloading quickly, I sneak around the halls, searching for Sammy's majestic hair. Finally, I find him. He's sneaking around, looking for me. I hold up my gun, widen my stance, take aim, and....

"Hey!" He yelps, turning around faster than you can say candy. In seconds, I'm sporting a marshmallow in my hair and a wet marshmallow sticking to my face.

"Ewwww, Saaaam" I whine, putting my gun to the ground. "Did you put this in your mouth?" He just snorts as I peel the thing from my forehead. But he's not laughing when I throw it in his hair.

"Dude!" Sam shouts, grabbing at the food frantically. "It's not gonna come out now!" I roll my eyes and he gives me a bitchface, holding his gun up again. I put my hands up in surrender and move closer to him.

"Alright, I'm sorry! I'll help you get it out," I say, trying hard not to laugh at the white goop now deep in Sam's hair.

"Damn right, you will," he laughs, giving me a punch on the shoulder. "You want help getting the stuff you missed off your face?" He gestures to the sticky mess residing near my hairline, just above my eyes.

"You know what? Yeah. Yeah, I do want help."

The words are barely out of my mouth before Sam is standing nose to nose with me. Well, actually nose to forehead, because he's like a foot taller than me. Suddenly, I feel a tongue licking the marshmallow away, leaving only Sam's spit.

"That better?" he asks, waggling his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah," I answer, smirking to cover up my surprise and attraction towards the boy in front of me. He laughs and turns away, fingers in his hair, trying to work out the mess.

"Hey, where did that last one hit you anyway?" I ask, hoping my aim was true.

"Lower back, why?" He asks, turning back to face me on our way to the bathroom.

"Darn. I was aiming for that ass," I snark, lips curling into a guilty grin. He barks out a laugh.

"Is it really that hard to miss?" he asks tauntingly, waving his butt in front of me.

"Not from that angle," I retort, bringing out my gun for one last shot. It nails him in the ass and he falls forward, landing on the floor.

"Good aim," he quips. I laugh and stick out my hand to help him up.

"I had a little help." With a wink, I pull him to his feet and we start heading to the bathroom, walking a little closer than before.

Can I just say, thank god for the undo button. I had just finished typing all of this and then I accidentally deleted almost all of it. I was in hysterics before I remembered there was an undo button and voila, a new chapter! This chapter is a little longer than the rest because I felt bad for being so bad at updating so PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY! Anyway, I hope you like this so far. ITS SO FLUFFY!!! Peace out girlscouts.

I love you awesome nerds,

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