Chapter 29

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I could hear distant voices speaking quietly to one another as I awakened. My head throbbed and my entire body ached. I peeled open my eyes and it took a few moments for the room to come into focus. I tilted my head slightly forward to get a better view of my sore arms and my gaze fell upon dried blood that covered most of my wrists and lower arms. Huh?
Then I remembered the pain from yesterday and why it happened.
I shot out of bed and the room span for a moment.
"Woah, there, Lil, your not going to do yourself any favours by doing that," Thomas' deep voice reasoned with me. He guided me back to the bed and sat me down. I looked around the room to see all of my stuff had been packed up and placed by the door. Even Sin's things were there.
Seeing me look at all my stuff in confusion, Thomas explained to me, "there's no way in hell last night's pain was your own as there was nothing that could've harmed you, and as Sin has been captured by his worst enemies, I'll take a wild guess to say it was his. We will get to the matter as of why you felt it as well, but first we need to find Sin, and now."
I nodded in agreement and he continued.
"So, get changed, shower, brush your teeth and do whatever you girls do in the morning but be quick!"
I did exactly as he asked.
I was showered, my teeth were clean, I was changed into my favourite outfit that I had brought yesterday and my hair had been brushed all in the space of 20 minutes.
"Let's go," I said solemnly, picking up Sin's bag and letting the boys take mine.
I locked the door, payed for how long I was at the motel for at the desk and gave the keys back.
"We're getting a plane there in an hour, so we had better be quick," Thomas said.
We caught the next bus that lead us the the nearest airport and prepared ourselves.

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