Chapter 15

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I finished my cereal bar just in time to walk in the front entrance of school and shoved the wrapper into my handbag. Ugh why was it only Tuesday? I hated school so much. The halls were empty as I roamed around them, skipping history. I was still mad at my parents, like always, so I didn't really was to go to the only class that reminded me of them. Why wouldn't they accept me? Why couldn't they just get their pea-sized brain around the fact that not everyone is like then?
Getting bored, I walked into history about 10 minutes after the bell had gone.
"Sorry I'm late-" I started. I looked up and instantly shut up. There was a police officer there and the rest of the class was silent, looking sad. Some of the girls were even sniffing and crying.
"Umm, did I miss something?" I asked, feeling like a deer caught in headlights.
Everyone turned to look at me and the police officer sighed.
"Jason Oran's body has been found about 2 miles away from here beside a lake, dead. The side of this head looked like it had being hit by a rock. He looked like he had been dead only a few hours," he said, sadly looking at me.
Jason. Was. Dead.
The room started spinning and black edged my vision.
"He can't be dead," I croaked, tears already spilling out my eyes.
"Miss?!" The officer shouted at me as I collapsed to my knees.
"He isn't dead, your lying! Why would you make something like that up?!" I screamed at him.
"He is my best friend! He's alive, I know he is!" I pointed an accusing finger at the officer.
"Your lying," I screamed again.
I couldn't stop. I was screaming at the officer while he was crouching beside me. He held me by the shoulders, looking into my eyes and telling me to calm down.
"Calm down? You expect me to calm down," I shook my head.
The officer looked into my eyes and silently begged me to calm down.
I just couldn't.
"Why does this stuff always happen to me? Why can't it happen to someone who deserves it?! I don't!" I cried.
I couldn't handle it, I passed out.

Short chapter I know! Is it really Jason or is it someone els? How did he die? Did he really die? What ya think? Hope you liked this short chapter. Buh bye!

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