Chapter 8

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Once Jared had left I numbly walked into the kitchen. I suddenly realised that mum and dad weren't there.

"Aaron, wheres mum and dad?" I asked.

"They've gone to LA because of work. They send their wishes though," he replied.

"Typical! Their daughter almost died and they can't even be bothered to call me!" I shouted.

"Lilith, they love you deep down but it's hard for them to express it, you know they love you," he started.

"No Aaron, I'm sorry but they don't love me, they love you! In their eyes your the perfect child to have! And guess what, when I was 13 I had a nightmare so I went downstairs and I heard them saying they don't love me and they were going to put me up for adoption!" I felt a lot better to share that knowledge with someone els.

He looked so shocked.

"I'm so sorry Lil,"

"Forget it," I said.

"Before I forget your not to go to school for the next month and mum and dad aren't coming home until 2 months. I have to go to school so you'll be here alone for most of the time," he said quietly.

"I don't care," I said before going to my room and closing the door.

I put on my PJs, climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Music floated through the air. I stood up from my bed and my legs carried me over to my wardrobe. I pushed it aside to reveal a trapdoor. I pulled it open and climbed down to see...

I woke up, startled, with a cold sweat on my forehead. The dream called to me. It was like it was trying to tell me something...

I checked the time; 10AM.

That's good, that means Aaron's at school already. I got up and showered, being careful with my bruised and cut body. I threw on some baggy clothes again and sat on my bed.

With some water from the tap in my bathroom, I took the pain-killers Aaron had left on my bedside table.

Curiosity continued to eat me alive as I sat staring at my closet. I wonder...

I stood up and went over to it. I could hear music faintly playing. A tune that felt familiar yet unknown at the same time. The music from the dream. My heart thudded loudly in my ears as I cautiously pushed the closet away from the wall.

There was a trap door leading down.

My breathing sped up as I looked down. I knew, no matter what was down there, I couldn't let anyone know that this was here. No one. Not mum, not dad and not Aaron.

I pulled the trap door up to reveal a old ladder that descended into darkness.

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