Chapter 7

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I woke up looking at my room's roof that was painted like a summer sky; clouds on a blue sky. Every inch of my body burned. I suddenly remembered everything that happened. He's no longer mine. That hurt more than my whole body. A heart-wrenching sob tore out my throat. The door slammed open, scaring me so much my tears stopped in their tracks.

It was Aaron. His eyes were red and bloodshot and looked restless. His usually straight clothes were crumpled and his usually perfectly styled hair was ruffled and messy.

"Aaron," I croaked before bursting into tears yet again. What the hell is with all these tears?
He ran over to me and hugged me, being carful not to hurt me even more.
"Why'd you run?" He said hoarsely, sitting on my bed.

I couldn't hate him anymore. So I told him everything. I was sobbing once I had finished again. He was just staring stonily ahead.
"I called him once we got you home. He sounded like he had been pacing all day. I wondered why but didn't ask. That's why I guess then. His plane lands in an hour," he told me apologetically.
"What?!!!!" I screeched.
"Calm down. He's going to come here but never leave. He's going to die," he said, his fists clenching.
Before I could say anything he left my room, slamming the door behind him. Jared is coming! I quickly got up, ignoring the burning sensation in my whole body. I slowly showered, getting most of the dirt and blood off me. It was excruciating but it was well needed. I dried my hair and body and got changed into a lose, baggy shirt and some sweat pants. I got changed just in time for the doorbell to ring. Aaron answered it and told the person to come in and wait a minute.

"Lili," Aaron softly called.

My pale, sore-looking, bruise-covered face screwed up in pain as I descended the stairs. Once in view, Aaron rushed to my side and helped me down the rest of the way. I looked up and My eyes met a pale, shocked Jared.
"Hello Jared," I said, my hoarse voice barely audible.
"Lilith?" He whispered.
I guess Aaron couldn't hold it in any longer.
"You flipping did this to her! You did it! You made her run! You made her nearly DIE! SHE NEARLY DIED JARED, NEXT TIME YOU WOULD OF SEEN HER WAS WHEN SHE WAS BEING LIFTED INTO HER GRAVE!" He screamed at him before punching him straight in the face.
"Aaron! Stop!" I screeched, pulling him off an already bloody Jared.
Aaron reluctantly got off Jared.
"Get out," he spat at him.
"No, please, Lili please," he looked at me pleadingly. I nearly gave in but images of what him and Selena were proberly doing flashed through my mind.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be good enough for you, Jared. Goodbye," I shook my head and closed the door on him.

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