Chapter 23

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The world around me collapsed and I sunk to my knees. I faintly hear sirens in the background; the police must've figured out the fingerprints on the Rock on and Jason's head were Aaron's. I lifted my head a little and saw Aaron trying to pull away from two police officers that were handcuffing him. They dragged him outside and Aaron somehow managed to look backwards and mouth the words 'I'm so sorry, I love you'. Warm, wet tears trickled down my cheeks as another policeman put me in the back of a car to be taken for questioning.

"Do you have any connection to the murder?" A police officer questioned me, for the millionth time. It had been about 2 hours since Aaron got arrested and I was taken into questioning.
"No," I said, blankly looking at him.
"Did you know anything about what Mr. Knight did? Any suspicions?"
"Did he try to tell you or give you any evidence he was the killer?"
"Are you even listening to me, Miss. Knight?"
"No," I automatically said, even though I could have gotten arrested for being rude to an officer. I was wayyyyy beyond the point of caring about anything.
He sighed and ran a hand over his face.
"I understand that this may be a little bit difficult for you-," he started before I cut him off.
"Yeah, only a 'little' bit difficult for me. I just found out that my 'perfect' brother killed my best friend, for gods sake, no biggie," I scoffed.
He shot me a sympathetic look and took a sip of his coffee.
"You are free to go, Miss," he dismissed me, "His cell, for now, is number 214," he added.
I nodded, numbly and left the room. Wiping my sweaty hands, I searched the corridors for his cell.
Once I had found it, I gathered enough strength to go inside and entered.

Wazzup???? Ok so funny story: yesterday I was playing on dubsmash and stuff and I recored one to post on Instagram. I get halfway through it, go to flick my hair over my shoulder and fall off my bed backwards!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 OMG me and my friends laughed so much!!!! Anyway, hope you like this chapter! Bye!

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