The Cradle in the Dark

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A/N Okay so this is the first book of the Narry mpreg books I wrote! I hope you like them because I had so much fun writing them! This story was posted on my old account but it got deleted and I wanted to repost it for you guys! Feed back is always appreciated! xx

*Harry's POV*

I woke up that morning with a pounding in my head and an ache in my back. I sighed and smiled softly when I realized Niall was sleeping peacefully next to me. I went to turn around to give him a quick kiss when my stomach quivered and I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. 

I messily gave up everything that was in my stomach and rested my head on the cool white porcelain. Niall and I had went out last night to celebrate our second year anniversary at a club. We ended up getting wasted and had to call Zayn to come bring us home seeing he lives the closest. I don't remember much about what happened last night but I do know that Niall and I must of had sex seeing the pain that shot up my back when I stood up. Seeing I was naked it helped clear up that theory. 

I heard rustling in our shared bedroom and soon Niall padded into the large master bathroom rubbing his eyes. 

"What's wrong, babe?" Niall asked as he stretched out his back. He was dressed in his birthday suit and I knew for fact we did something sexual last night, not that it mattered, we started doing it when we went out for over eight months. 

I whimpered in response to Niall and rubbed my aching forehead, He sighed and walked over and rubbed my back. I mentally cursed him for being Irish. He could drink every drop of alcohol in a club and still be able to function the next day normally. But here I am, puking my brains out.

I must have seriously drank last night seeing I never get too bad of a hangover, but then again I blacked out as soon as Niall and I were loaded into Zayn's car. 

"What hurts?" He asked as he kissed my head softly and I opened my mouth to answer when another bout of nausea washed over me. Niall rubbed my back and whispered soothing things to me as I emptied the small amount left in my stomach and I groaned. 

"Everything. God, how much did I drink?" I moaned as Niall handed me a wash cloth to wipe my face. 

"A lot," Niall replied with a smirk and I sighed. 

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Did we use protection?


Thanks guys! this chapter is different than the original because I didn't have it saved to my computer when my account was deleted but what could I do.... 

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