Chapter 6

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Going to work with a huge hangover is not a great idea. The whole entire day I groaned about how bad of a headache I had.

"Hey Chris I don't feel so good, do you mind if I go home a little early?"

My manager Chris snickered at me, cause he knew what I was up to last night.

"Girl I could tell you were hungover the minute you stepped into work. Go home and get some rest."

"Thanks Chris" I smiled and waved goodbye to all my co workers.


Arriving at my house, Jack was here playing on my Xbox like the good old days.

"Oh how I've missed you Jack. Coming over to my house just to play on my Xbox." I smirked at him.

"I knew you missed my presence" he smirked back.

Jack looked hella sexy even though all he was wearing was a black t shirt, dark skinnies, and a red SnapBack that showed little bit of his newly dyed hair. It was like as soon as I saw Jack again, I've been more attracted to him than ever. I wonder after these past few months, Jack finally had feelings for me.

"Come here" he patted the seat next to him.

"So how was work?" He smiled.

Sighing as loud as I could and plopping onto the couch, "work was awful because of this bitchass hangover I have right now" I chuckled.

"Well let me help you with that"
Jack got up and walked into the kitchen and arrived back with a glass of water and extra strength pain killers.

"My hero" I gulped down the pills along with the glass of water.

"So how's your life been while I was gone" he asked.

"It's been okay. I guess." I looked down at the glass cup in my hand.

"Listen Luna, I'm still so sorry for leaving you out of nowhere just like that" he looked at me and I looked at him.

"Jack you don't have to apologize. I know that you and Jack were really busy. I mean look at you guys! You guys are successful. I've never been more amazed and proud of you." I pinched his cheeks and his dimples showed up.

"I just don't ever want to leave you again. I want to share this experience with my best friend"

Best friend. Damn can you say friend zoned.

"Well I'm here aren't I?" I laughed.

He laughed and then stopped to look at me again. It was silent for a minute. Jack kept looking at my lips until he forced himself on me and kissed me. I was in shock at first but then relaxed slowing down the kiss. Jack all of a sudden stopped and moved back.

"Im so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I think I should go. I'll text you tomorrow." he got up and left out the front door as quickly as he could.

What the hell just happened?


I got up, still confused about yesterday. Keeping my mind off of things I decided to make myself look presentable today since Jack invited me to go have breakfast with him, Jack, Nate and this new guy Sam.

After ten minutes of tossing clothes around, I finally decided on what to wear. I threw on a plain white crop top, high waisted ripped jeans, and my white and grey Nike air maxes. My hair was thrown back into a high pony tail and my makeup was the usual natural look. I grabbed my flannel, purse, and car keys and headed out the door.

I picked up Claudette on the way since Jack wanted to meet her.


Arriving at the breakfast place, me and Claudette walked up to the podium to speak to the hostess.

"Hello reservations for gilinsky?"

As the hostess was looking down at her book, I heard yelling and waving from the table to our right.

"Never mind it looks like we found our friends" I smiled at the hostess and she walked us over to the table with the menus.

"LUNA IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH GIRL" Jack screamed when I was literally sitting right next to him.

"Jack I've missed you too!!!" I hugged him from the side.

"How've you've been" he smiled as he drank out of his glass.

"Eh you know same old same old, how about you? Look at you and Jack just living the famous life" I nudged him.

"Oh don't say hi to me Luna I'm invisible anyway" Nate sassed.

"Nate how could I forget about you" I got up and hugged him.

"There's my girl" he chuckled.

There was an awkward cough next to Nate.

"Oh sorry. Luna this is Sam. Sam this is Luna."

"Hi nice to meet you. I've heard lots of things about you, especially from this guy he never shuts up about you." Sam elbowed Nate. What.

I awkwardly laughed and Nate cleared his throat while giving same a glare.

"Oh my gosh guys I'm sorry this is my best girl friend Claudette. Claudette meet the boys." Some waves and smiles were exchanged around.

After we all finished ordering our food a though occurred to me.

"Yo where's Jack at?"

"He's almost here, he had to go pick up his girlfriend." Nate said.

Girlfriend? Jack has a girlfriend. Wow what a bunch of bullshit. I'm beyond pissed, frustrated and mostly heartbroken at Jack.

"G-girlfriend? Jack has a girlfriend?" I stuttered.

"Yeah... He's never mentioned her to you?" Jack asked.

"Fuck no" I crossed my arms.

Speaking of the devil, Jack arrived with his "girlfriend". They were all smiley with each other while she had her hand linked around his arm. She had long brunette hair and her makeup was absolutely flawless I'd hate to admit. Once they got closer Jack and I exchanged looks and I could sense he was uncomfortable and tense.

"Hey guys"

"Finally you're here we can finally eat. Man I'm fucking starving" Nate said.

"Hey boys" her voice was raspy like jacks sort of. She looked around my age.

"Yo Eliza what's good" Sam replied.

"Sorry about us being late." Jack replied back.

"Nah it's all good bro, we were just finished with our orders"

I gave a stern look to Jack but he completely ignored me and continued looking down at his menu. His girlfriend Eliza looked over at me and Claudette and smiled.

"Hello, I don't think I've met you two. I'm Eliza"

"Hi I'm Luna and this is my friend Claudette" I gave a friendly smile back since it was the nice thing to do.

"Hi" Claudette waved back.

"Jack this is the Luna you were telling me about. Damn she is even more gorgeous in person. Girl I'm jealous of how naturally beautiful you are. Like seriously." She blurted out. I laughed back.

"Oh stop look who's talking with the flawless makeup"

"Thanks I try" she flicked her hair as a joke. Maybe this girl wasn't so bad after all.

Still don't know why Jack won't acknowledge me though. Once in a while, me and him would look right at each other and then look away.

I decided right after the breakfast I would try to convince Jack to come over to my house and talk about what happened between us.

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