The perfect day

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I was surprised when I fell asleep. I wanted to be held. I was lonely, even with all the girls with me. Luckily for me, Rachel had a collection of books that we both loved. She allowed me to sleep in the library after she'd set up a bed for me. I think I fell asleep reading 'The Reckoning' by Kelley Armstrong. It's one of my favourite books, and the third in a trilogy. I especially like the very cute and romantic final chapter with Claire and Derek.

I awoke though to the smell of a strawberry smoothie and blueberry shampoo. I giggled and Iris rushed in —I had no idea she was here! - And handed me the smoothie I could smell before dragging me into the bathroom where she washed my hair and straightened my hair, pulling it up into the same hairstyle Audrey Hepburn had in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' with my bangs curled and hung loosely around my face. The other girls all had their hair either straightened or curled —depending on which best suited their face shape.

Three hours later we were just waiting for the limousine to pick us up, Iris having gone ahead to alert everyone that we were on our way. Standing in the front garden in the middle of summer, my nerves were going crazy and the only way to calm them down was to go through the poem that had almost been my motto for the planning process.

Something old (the silver tiara that my mum had worn)

Something new (the dresses)

Something borrowed (Iris' silver garter)

Something blue (the colour scheme)

And a silver sixpence in her shoe. (A sixpence was taped into the sole of my silver shoes.)

I had everything. And the limo had just pulled up.

Arriving at the church I could barely breathe. I was terrified that Nicholas had run out after deciding he didn't want to marry me. That I was going to fall over my dress and look a fool. The only thing that could calm me down was Miles pulling me into a hug as soon as I was out of the limousine.

We all stood at the back of the church waiting for our queue —the opening chords of the bridal chorus to start on the organ.

Once it started, Lexy made her way down the aisle looking slightly put out that she was in a dress but happy for me all the same.

Then went Jake and Chloe. Jake's blond hair had refused to do as it was told so his fringe covered his forehead and his tuxedo fitted just right. His bright blue eyes stood out with the colour of his tie and the dress of the girl on his arm. Chloe looked beautiful, even more so than normal, and I was so glad I'd managed to pull her out of her shell enough for today —this much was obvious as she was flirting with Jake all the way up to the alter when they had to part ways.

Rachel and Matthias then followed, smiling and whispering all the way down. They were a gorgeous couple and I was so happy for them —I had a strong feeling they would last a long time.

Finally it was Miles and mine's turn to make our way down the aisle. I smiled at everyone I passed, blushing when Lynne and Jordan —cousin and cousin in law of mine- whispered that I was going to knock Nicholas dead.

Reaching the alter; Miles gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek before placing my hand in Nic's. He grinned at me and whispered when the priest was talking that I looked perfect, this started off another blush.

The service was a blur, it went so fast but I was so happy, that the next thing I knew we had both said "I do" and was being told to kiss by the priest. I almost laughed as my husband didn't even give him chance to finish the sentence before pulling me into a sweet, long and breathtaking kiss.

The reception was great. I danced with everyone once I had changed my outfit —everyone but Nicholas. I was giving up hope that I would get to dance with him as husband and wife when Jake called me out of one of the doors and led me up a secret passage way.

To say I was confused was an under statement... that was until I saw Nic. We embraced and then we heard a fanfare -that started me giggling- and an announcement of "Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the newlyweds, Mr Nicholas and Mrs Anna Elizabeth Green." A set of double doors opened and we walked down the grand staircase as man and wife before making our way to the dance floor. Nic had insisted that he choose the song that we danced to so I had no idea what was coming but when I realised I almost cried. He had chosen our song —'Anything for love' by Meat Loaf. As we danced we sang along just like when we did karaoke. And once again at the end of the song we kissed. The kissed seemed to last forever, but it wasn't long enough as when we moved apart I as dragged off by the girls to get ready for the night ahead.

Once reaching the room we would be staying in overnight, the girls took out the hairstyle that had somehow left large waves in my hair and handed me a silver and baby blue lingerie set, winking and leaving me to get ready.

A.N:- the next chapter, An even better night will be in a separate story as it is R-Rated. The link to Even Better night is as follows -

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