School starts again.

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The next morning I was shook awake by Rachel. She is the only one I’ll let touch me on a school morning. She knows I love her too much to hurt her I like I would anyone else. Opening my eyes I gave a silent plea that everything yesterday was a dream, but just from the look on my sister’s face I could tell it wasn’t. Damn it!

After over an hour of getting ready, the five of us girls all walked into the Alyssa private school. We were lucky, we were part of the 50 percent of teen our age that are smart enough to be at the private school, not the public school. One of the many perks of this is that even though we have a uniform we don’t have to wear it in any particular. As today I was in a bad mood, I’d gone for our green, yes ironic considering Mr Green is the reason I’m in a bad mood, plaid skirt with a black blouse and school tie. I still looked relatively good though for my standards. Little did I know the day would only go downhill.

After being given homework by every teacher in the morning, it was lunch; one of my favourite times of the day... basically if I get to eat I'm happy. So when I saw lasagne on the menu I actually smiled for the first time all day...that was until I saw the dinner lady slip whilst carrying a tray of the delicious pasta dish in front of me. I tried to help said dinner lady, only to have the tray land on my head and the lasagne covering me.

Great. You must think. That’s the worst the day could get. But no. School being kind decided I would be allowed to go home for the rest of the day to shower, change and get rid of the smell of cheese and garlic that surrounded me. Finally, my day was on the up... well that’s what I was thinking until I saw whose car was waiting for me at the front of school....

“Mr Green, what are you doing here?”

Yep Mr Green was sat there in his black Ferrari convertible just smirking at me.

“I’m here to drive you home.”

“Erm, no you’re not. I’ll walk.”

And with that I set off down the road. And I was being followed. By a Ferrari. Going at the same mph as I was. But nope. I'm not going to turn around.

“Miss Brown. I need to talk to you. Why did you slap me last night? Why are you ignoring me? Have I done something wrong? Is everything ok? Why are you covered in...? Is that lasagne? Anna, please talk to me. Please.”

This kept going over and over like a broken record until we finally got to my house. Miles works so he wouldn’t be home for a long after I'm actually meant to get home from school so I started to open the door. When I realised that Nicholas wasn’t making any move to get out of his car I yelled over my shoulder

“you wanna talk. You come in here and play by my rules. If not then bugger off.”

I was the one wearing the smirk as he almost ran through the door.

As I went into the kitchen I put the kettle on and made him a cup of tea.

“Milk and sugar?”

“Milk and two sugars please.”

When it was made to his specification, I gave it to him and led him to the couch.

“Wait here. I’m going to have a shower and try to get rid of the lasagne. Do not come up those stairs, not even if the house is being robbed. I won’t be long, enjoy the tea.”

 And with that I started to climb the stairs.

Once I got into my room I instantly locked the door then stripped, putting the clothes straight into the laundry basket and went into my en-suite.

After 10 minutes I came out smelling of strawberries and chocolate. Luckily it was a hot shower so I dried quickly and pulled on clean underwear and one of mum’s old dresses before unlocking the door and heading down to the living room to where Nicholas was waiting for me.

“Talk and walk boy. I need to plait my hair and make a smoothie and I can’t do that in here” I said popping my head around the door before going into the kitchen to start chopping strawberries.

 “Why did you slap me last night? Have I done something wrong? Is everything ok?” Again with the same questions. Obviously he wants answers.

 “I slapped you because yes you did something wrong. You think it’s funny to come and propose to me, then go and make out with some tart in the middle of a restaurant?! You may never have heard of common decency but I can tell you now Nicholas that you are going the wrong way about getting my affections. If anything all you are doing is making me mad at you.

“Now I know about your interests, you’re the country’s playboy. Who doesn’t know? And what I don’t understand is why me? I'm nothing like the usual ones you go around with. You made clear last night when you kissed that tramp in the middle of the Phoenix. That’s why I slapped you. I saw you kiss her. I was embarrassed. Mortified.”

By now the strawberries was a perfect smoothie thanks to me putting my anger into pressing the button so hard. This meant I could now plait my hair. Unfortunately I had started to tear up during this rant to I sat on the island with my back to my guest so he couldn’t see me cry. I hate being seen as week, especially by those who make me week.

“Anna, that girl was just an old flame of mine from when I was fooling around waiting for you to come of age. She asked to meet up as friends and I thought nothing of it... I had no idea she was going to kiss me but I stopped it as soon as I could. I had no idea you were even in the restaurant until you came over and slapped me. I'm sorry I embarrassed you and hurt you.

“And the reason I want you to marry me and not one of those tramps? Because you are smart and sweet and beautiful and kind and everything they aren’t. I want you to be the one I come home to every night and I want you to be the one I tell everything to. I want to have the chance to get to know you though first. Please give me a chance. I promise, no more meeting women I used to see, no more playboy lifestyle. Only you. We can start as friends and you decide when and if we take our relationship further.”

By this time he had stood in front of me, my small hands in his large one, his blue eyes staring into my brown ones straight into my soul. A tear had fallen and with the pad of his thumb he had wiped it away so gently if I hadn’t have seen it I wouldn’t have known he’d done it. I could only nod. I was in shock. And with that I was pulled into a gentle hug before being spun around on my bum, and quick fingers were gently getting the knots out of my hair then braiding it into a waist long plait similar to what mum used to do.

 “Thank you.”

“There is no need to thank me; I'm the one who should be thanking you for giving me a chance.”

As I looked over my shoulder to smile shyly at him I saw him give me a proper smile. Not a smirk. Not a grin. A smile like yesterday before he left. I felt something be slid behind my ear and a kiss of the top of my head before he turned to leave. Once the door had clicked shut and I heard his Ferrari drive away I looked in the mirror hanging on the wall. There was a girl in an old summer dress with a plait coming over one shoulder and a yellow rose tucked behind her ear.

“How do you know my favourite flower Mr Green?”

Should I say yes to Mr GreenWhere stories live. Discover now