The Birthday

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“Hey, Anna. I know it’s your 16th but you still need to get up before lunch. Plus if you don’t you’ll miss out on your surprise.” That got me up. I'm 16! As I start getting ready for my day I do my little birthday dance I’ve always done. A jump to the left, a step to the right. Hands on hips, knees in tight. Pelvic thrust and spin! If you can’t tell, I'm addicted to the rocky horror picture show.

When I finally got downstairs, I headed straight into the living room; a pretty room in baby blue with navy accessories. But I didn’t find the person who had yelled me down, my brother Miles Hugh.

He’s my older brother but only by a couple of years. Our parents split up when I was three and when dad went to the other side of the country with his mistress, mum kind of lost the plot. Luckily by the time social services realised this, Miles was old enough to be my legal guardian. Neither of us has seen our parents in over two years. Anyway, enough with our sob story.

“Miles? Bro? Where you at, idiot? I’ve only come down cause you said surprise.” And with that he came in, his brown hair slightly pushed to the side and his blue eyes glinting with a hidden joke that I know he won’t tell me unless I beg. And I refuse to beg point blank, especially not on my birthday!

The way his clothes fit to his body showing off the muscles every girl on the island drools over is a typical trait of his. He has to show off. And people wonder why I'm insecure? He is pretty much perfect. And I'm just... not.

We got the same hair colour, a nice dark chocolate brown, but he got more of dad’s DNA. Blue eyes, a slightly chiselled chin and a height of 6’5”. And then you get me. I’m definitely my mother’s daughter, so everyone says. The same hair colour as Miles, but down to my waist with bangs to frame my face, but brown eyes that change to green in the sun and an oval face. I'm also only 5’5”.

Now my brother enjoys making me scream so I shouldn’t have been surprised when he came over and started tickling me, but of course, I was.

“MILES!! Please, stop, you’re killing me!”

I think he got tired of me yelling down his ear hole since after a couple of minutes he eventually stopped the torture, just to blind me! Well... blindfold me... yeah I’m drama queen. This can only mean one thing... I get a piggy back ride! YAY! Soon I was lifted up onto my brother’s shoulders and we were off. This brings back memories of Miles trying to keep my spirits up when mum was in one of her down moods... everyone always said I was a perceptive child. He was my horse.

As he carried me around the house the smell of deliciousness grew until it almost overwhelmed me. Chocolate brownies, strawberry milkshakes and honey face masks. Is he going to pamper me? Wait, honeysuckle perfume? Only one person around here wears that.

“Rachel! Are you here? Who else have you brought with you? And someone give me a brownie please.”

As a little piece of heaven in the shape of one of my best friend’s famous chocolate brownies was put in my mouth I heard four greetings of “happy birthday” and I knew instantly who was there.

Rachel, my best friend and non biological sister. An auburn haired girl with deep brown eyes and a tomboy yet whimsical nature.

Emma, my English partner. A dark haired beauty with all the boys our age chasing after her.

Chloe, my agony aunt of a friend. Hair always pulled back from her face, but always breaking free, showing off her aqua coloured eyes and full red lips.

And finally Lexy, the bisexual and dirty minded gossip girl of the group. Long straight blond hair with multicoloured highlights in it framing her heart shaped face.

Luckily I was soon released from the darkness that surrounded me, like I said I'm a total drama queen, as the blindfold was removed and I was engulfed in a group bear hug leaving me gasping for breath.

“So guys? Where are my presents?”

I giggled when I could finally breathe again.

“Well... it’s one giant present from all of us.” Lexy started. “A makeover, pamper day shopping spree and then dinner out on the town.”

Ok this is officially the best birthday ever! Going out with my amazing friends! Only they could know me so well.

Within the hour I had had a honey facial, chocolate wrap and a mani-pedi all courtesy of my dear friends. I had never felt so good in my life. Miles then handed me my purse, and £300.

“My present. Go buy some nice clothes for dinner tonight.”

Of course being a girl the only thing I could do was hug him and squeeze my thanks. A chuckle emitted from my brother and I was dragged away to the mall down the road from our school.

The mall is quite possibly my favourite place to be other than the library and with my friends so I knew I was going to have a ball since I was going shopping!! Now I'm one of those girls who loves the classic style. Audrey Hepburn and that sort of thing. So the moment I saw the black knee length dress, with a high round neck, no sleeves and pleats from the waist down, I knew I had to have it. Especially when I spotted a lilac body form belt with a heart buckle and a pair of earrings that would match I just couldn’t stop myself.

I grabbed them all and ran to the changing room and dressed in under a minute before walking out and doing a little spin for my friends. There was a collective gasp and an all round decision that I had found my dream outfit. But there was one thing missing... Shoes! But of course, Rachel, being the fantastic sister that she is, knew what I needed and rushed off to another section of the shop, and came back holding black just-under-the-knee boots with two inch heels. In an instant I put them on and the outfit was complete.

Only one thing left to do... pay. But since I didn’t want to take anything off, the cashier took all the tags and scanned them allowing me to wear my outfit out of the mall.

When we got back to the semi detached Victorian house I call my home, the girls went in first to prepare my brother for my new look. But when I got inside I had the shock of my life. My brother wasn’t alone. Next to him at the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea was the playboy of the island, Mr Nicholas Green.

Why is Nicholas Green in my house?!?! If you can't guess from my reaction... I'm not his biggest fan. I despise the man to be perfectly honest. He treats women like his own prostitutes and after he’s done with them, won’t give them a second look. So why is he talking to my brother?

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