A confrontation...

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I was furious. No-one other than Miles knew what I had been threatened by my father. And he had the nerve to show up here at my birthday party and tell me what I am going to do when he doesn’t even know me. He had the nerve to threaten me, so I will do what he wants.

Looking over at the girls, I motioned for the girls to keep everyone in the room whilst I ran to my father, pushing him out the doors and into the hallway. He could tell I wasn’t best pleased, even though he hasn’t been in my life since I was three. I over took him and walked towards the room I had been in earlier with my friends when I first arrived. Opening the door I gestured for him to go inside and sit down after which I joined him sitting opposite.

Within moments Miles and Nicholas had also joined us, sitting either side of me, my boyfriend was sat confused to my left whist my brother sat defiant against my father.

“Why are you here father? You have no business at my birthday ball.” I looked him straight in the eye, not caring that I wasn’t acting like a respectable daughter should.

“Anna, I am here to make sure you hold up my side of the bargain I had with Nicholas’ father. I came to make sure you said yes.”

“Now you see father, this is where the fact you don’t know me is very noticeable. Because I was going to say yes to Nic today. You would have known that had you taken the time to look at me, see the adoration and tears of happiness in my eyes and you would have known what my answer was.

“I don’t care that you lost a bet with Mr Green, and that I was the collateral, your side of the bargain. The deal you told me about was that Nicholas would only be a suitor, which means I have free reign to choose whether or not I was to marry him!

“And yes you threatened me, but that wasn’t the main reason I want to marry Nic. I was going to accept his proposal because I love him. And I will tell you something, daddy dear, if I didn’t love Nicholas I wouldn’t have even thought about accepting his proposal. I would be prepared to be shipped off out of the country, taken away from all that I do love and care about. And it would only be my friends and Miles I would be taken away from, Mother died not that long ago, not that you would care.”

I had stood up during my rant and was now towering over my father, glowering down at him, with Nic sat head in his hands trying to think, and Miles behind with his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from doing something I’d regret.

“I am telling you now, daughter darling, that you never had a choice. Collateral damage means you had to be paid up. I don’t care what you feel you will marry that man whether you like it or not.”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you, I AM going to marry him. I LOVE HIM! And you know something... I’m not planning on being your daughter much longer. I disown myself from your family. You do not care for anyone but yourself. You are the reason mother committed suicide and I do not care anymore, my last name might be Brown... but as long as Nicholas still wants me, it will not be long until I am a Green.”

And with that I slapped the man I used to call my father and walked out of the room. I sat down in the chair next to the door and could hear what was happening inside.

“I feel the same as Anna. Goodbye, you are no longer my father.” Miles had actually stood up to him... wow.

I didn’t hear anything for a while after Miles joined me outside and hugged me other than pacing and muttering from my father. That was until I heard Nic stand up.

“HOW DARE YOU THREATEN HER JUST BECAUSE YOU LOST A BET? HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF HER FATHER?” there was the sound of a fist hitting a cheek and I froze. “I am in love with Anna, and the fact that you think you have the right to tell her what to do after not being in her life for so long... is despicable. It’s people like you that make this country a bad place. And believe me, after I have spoken to my father, you will never do business with him or anyone of standing ever again.” Another punch was thrown and Nic walked out.

Seeing me I was pulled into his warm embrace and a single tear fell from my eyes, realising my father was gone forever from my life. Nic pulled out the ring once again, and hesitantly looked down at me.

“Did you mean what you said? That you want to marry me? That you love me?” He looked almost scared that I was going to say no that I couldn’t help myself. I kissed his lips firmly before pulling away and whispering, “Yes, of course I did” he then slipped the beautiful engagement ring on my finger and kissed me again.

Miles then stood up and hugged me, spinning me around as so to make me laugh before giving Nic a bro hug and a pat on the back. “Congratulations you two... I hope you will be happy together.”

We then walked back to the ball room to announce our engagement.

This was the best birthday.... EVER!!

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