The Emma Incident

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Over the next few days things were going great between me and Nic. I was so happy that at night I would feel guilty that I was happy since my mum has just died... But then I would remember how she always told me to live my life to the full.

Nic and I would sneak around behind my brother’s back. When Miles left, me and Nic would have dinner or watch a film or play in the games room. And the best thing was if Miles was around, the girls and Nic didn’t seem out of place. Not even Matthias looked weird in our gang.

Now you know the saying love at first sight? Well this was true for Rachel and Matthias. As soon as my auburn headed best friend’s eyes saw Matthias she was head over heels for him. And not surprising even though I never thought he would be her type. Matthias. How to describe him? I think I’ll just quote Rachel.

“A kind, considerate man who doesn't like getting too much attention. He has green eyes that constantly change in intensity and long brown/black hair that takes an hour to tame each morning, meaning sometimes he doesn't bother and just puts a beanie hat on. Matthias hates it when people tell lies or make stuff up about him -and although doesn't understand why I do- loves it when I complement his appearance because he's never believed himself to be good looking, but can't help but believe it when I tells him.

"He is too skinny and walks like his body has a mind of its own. His limbs are long and gangly; this along with his height makes him look dorky but rather whimsical.

"When he is out of the house his smiles are rarely genuine, as they do not show in his eyes but when with his close friends he smiles often and his eyes sparkle."

Like I said... love at first sight. They are inseparable. It’s adorable. This is her first relationship so I'm so glad it’s going well... anyway where was I?

Oh yes it was all going great until what I call the Emma incident... allow me to explain.

Miles had been coming home with hangovers every day since he found out about mum, and every day at one pm he would come into the kitchen for a glass of orange juice to wash down a tylenol and a vitamin B capsule before going into the gym to work out. On this one particular morning though he was in an even worse mood than normal. I thought I’d get better once he’d had his ‘hangover cure’ –as he called it- but it wasn’t to be.

Emma had decided that she had something to tell Miles, but couldn’t wait until he’d cheered up. So had moved his ‘cure’ to where he wouldn’t find it. And waited in the kitchen until he came in and yelled for me. Of course when I got in there I had Nic following close behind me.

And then she chose to speak.

“Miles, I have something to tell you. Your little princess of a sister of yours hasn’t been telling you something.”

He looked at me with confusion and anger. Unfortunately Nic decided this would be the perfect time to become protective and stepped in front of me.

“Yep. That’s right Miles. Nicholas Green is dating your sister.”

It was official. Emma was no longer my friend.

Miles’ eyes turned red. He was ballistic. -The last time he was this mad was when I was bullied in younger years and he battered the kid. Little sod was too scared to report him.- Nic was too busy looking at Emma with hurt and hatred to notice what was coming, but I saw it and I stepped in front of my boyfriend before my brother had chance to hit him. Unfortunately that meant I was the one who received the punch.

A tear slid down my cheek as his fist collided with my eye. By the time Miles realised what had happened, I was in Nic’s arms as he tried to get a look at my injury.

“Anna... I’m so sorry. I didn’t...” he was trying to apologize... I couldn’t care less anymore. I stepped away from Nic and went over to Emma where she was hiding the ‘cure’. I slapped her myself before telling her to hand over the key to my house and to get the hell out of my sight. She put the key on the counter next to a white envelope which I put in my cardigan pocket to read later. Picking up the cure I handed it to my brother.

“It’s not me you should be apologizing to Miles.”

And with that I walked away from the kitchen and into my bedroom. I needed time to think and calm down. I also needed to have a proper look at my eye.

Locking the door to my room I sat on my bean bag and pulled out the envelope Emma had left. Opening it I saw there was a single paragraph on a sheet of paper.

You hated the one man I loved. If only you could have hated him. He would have been MINE! I could have given him all the love you never will! You only said yes because of what your father threatened you. I hate you, you little cow. I hope you know how it feels to be hurt by someone you care about now.

Wow. At least I know why she did it... Still hurts though. Speaking of hurts my eyes was smarting like hell. I went into my en-suite and got a cold flannel and pressed it against my eye. Luckily the skin wasn’t cut so all I would have in the morning is a great black eye. Thanks Miles. I also took a caffeine pain killer to help the smarting that came with it.

Speak of the devil, a soft knock came at the door which I went to open –still holding the flannel to my eye, I’m so going to guilt trip him for this.

“Anna. I’m so sorry I never meant to hurt you I was just mad that you hadn’t told me. Especially as you always said you hated the guy. I thought he was taking advantage of you.” Aww my brother was trying to protect me.

“Miles. He isn’t taking advantage of me. I said yes because I wanted to and not just because of dad. I really like him. I can't help it. And I didn’t tell you because you are always either drunk, hung over or in the gym. To be honest I was scared to tell you.”

And with that I was engulfed in a bear hug.

“It’s ok sis. Nicholas explained it all to me. His intentions are 100 percent honourable. I trust you. And I'm going to stop going drinking. We need to start making preparations for the funeral as it is. Anyway... you like him, you like him. Anna and Nicholas sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage.”

He was teasing. That meant he’d forgiven me. So that meant I could pounce and get revenge. I tackled him and pinned him down before blowing a raspberry onto his neck –something he hates. But then I was pinned to the floor as he’d flipped us and he was now tickling me like there was no tomorrow. But then he stopped.

“Anna. Do you think you two will have kids? I mean I know you will get married. You wouldn’t have said yes now if you weren’t going to be prepared to say yes on your seventeenth birthday.”

“Miles, I haven’t thought about that. But you are right I will definitely be marrying him, or at least accepting his proposal.”

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