THIRTY FIVE: When it Begins

Start from the beginning

It was literally less than five minutes till Zeus would occasionally wake up, feeling like the king of the skies. And here we were, a group of four (Myself, Hep, Apollo and Athena) who was willing to wait for our friend whose been gone for more than 5 and a half hours. Everyone still there started to get extremely worried.

"Goddess, I knew I should've have gone," says Athena in a strained voice. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, "I wish the same."

She only gave me a sad smile.

Now it was literally the time Zeus would get up, and we quieted down in hushed voices and waited for the sounds. There was none.

I looked puzzled as everybody else, since this was the exact recorded time where he would get up. I know for a fact, that Athena and mostly everybody else reported back to him with a failure report on lack of hope and true desperation. He bought all of that, unless he was acting it all out? Did he know?

Their faces showed that they viewed the same ideas, and Athena looked seriously tired out at the moment. Then we heard it, and our breaths stilled. A thump then a series of steps walking around the room. Almost like pacing and sleepwalking, a combination of the both.

A couple of minutes later it stopped which gave Athena the courage to shut the locator off and we stared at nothing, but we still persistently waited for our friend to come back. Maybe fall from the ceiling, anything would be great to reassure us that she hasn't been caught and tortured or even worse killed on the spot.

Another hour passed, with nothing falling from the celling or any place for that matter. We began to think of the worst. Sadly a few minutes into the next hour, we reluctantly walked a purposely slow walk to the door. It was a short walk but felt extremely heavy, like the weight of the world was cut in pieces, letting us have a fourth of the globe.

"Well what are you children doing up this early?" A calm voice spoke behind us all. We all snapped up and face Zeus like kids caught with stolen cookies.

"Um why no reason at all," lied Athena, fiddling her fingers, smiling an innocent smile.

"Athena you can't tell him," whispered Hep, but he said it a bit louder so that Zeus can catch what he's saying. Hep then looked up and gave a fake smile to Zeus. They were certainly better actors then the Kardashians.

Apollo next to me smiled and I followed suit, watching as Zeus looked at us, with an eyebrow raised. "Well, spit it out. I don't have all day, what is it you are hiding from me?"

Our smiles dropped. And all at once we started to mumble explanations ranging from being cheated to she stole my idea on a battling techniques. Zeus I noticed started to get flustered and shut everybody up with a stern gaze. "Apollo, son. Please tell me what you all were talking about," he gestured to Apollo with a friendly looking smiling. Fake, probably.

Apollo looked nervous, but I knew it was because of the idea of him being used. "Well, father. The truth is that we hoped a miracle would happen. Things are getting bad and the army is not getting that fast in battling and well Pandora let out Hope. So we thought it might come to us, an idea of some sort, a sign that we'll be okay. Btu to no prevail, nothing was shown and now we are tired and more desperate than ever."

Everything he said was completely true. A miracle to happen was if Artemis would show up alive with the location. The army getting bad is that even if they beat their original scores, it's not the fastest they can really do with even more work and effort. The idea or sign that could've come to us was obviously Artemis. But she never came back and now we were thinking the worst possibilities.

Zeus seemed to take in as he hooked a finger on his chin. It made he look like he was almost happy about the report that we tried to find "hope" but failed it didn't come. I fought with myself with the smile trying to break on my face and I thought how obvious this whole set up was. It was like ambrosia given on a silver and gold platter.

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