"Nope," Holly laughed as they went into one of the vans that their boyfriends' had set up for them.

Italy was filled with old brick buildings, brick roads, brick bridges, brick everything. The streets were small but busy. It seemed so lively and happy and loud. Rebecca fell in love with everything immediately. Unfortunately, the paparazzi followed them all the way to the hotel and even greeted them until they were inside.

The girls checked in and all showered and cleaned up from their flight from France. Rebecca looked herself in the mirror. The bags under her eyes weren't as dark as they used to be. Her lips automatically went up into a smile. She was happy after a long time of confusion and sadness and grief. She felt so happy. She felt so good. She felt perfect.

After all the three girls were done, they met in one of the rooms and were fascinated by the idea of what they could see while they were in Italy.

"Look, I'm only really into that gelato," Lynn admitted.

"Ugh," Rebecca groaned, "me too!"

"I really wish Indie was here. She loves things like this, travelling but Kyle doesn't want her on a plane when she's pregnant."

Holly immediately slapped her mouth with her hand. "Oh shoot, Becc I'm sorry." Rebecca just laughed.

"Hey, it's okay. There'll be other ones."

"That's the spirit Becc. You and Luke can't get enough of each other. I won't be surprised if you guys have kids every year."

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Let's not act like Lynn should be knocked up right now," she laughed. Lynn's jaw dropped and her whole body went red. She had always been one to go into detail about her and Calum's sex life. They definitely couldn't get enough of each other. They loved each other and they always had something up their sleeves to keep their relationship... interesting.

"You guys are really gross," Holly laughed.

"Hey, at least we actually have sex unlike Little-Miss-Prude over here," Lynn said, poking Holly's sides.

Holly didn't want to give up her virginity until she was married but she loved a good tease. Ashton loved her obviously and so he respected her decisions.

* * * * *

By the time the concert was about to happen, Rebecca had put on a beautiful blue sundress with a pair of comfortable sandals. Her hair was put into a high ponytail to keep it from sticking to her neck and back. It was extremely hot in Milan and concerts were always hot.

The girls wanted to experience the show like they were one of the fans so they were up in the pit, standing. There were so many teenage girls around them all screaming and chattering about in Italian.

"I've never done this before," Holly admitted, "Ashton likes me to stay up in one of the private balconies."

"Same," Lynn said, "Calum doesn't want to lose sight of me."

"I've never really been to a show," Rebecca said.

"Well it's a good thing we're here now."

Twenty minutes later, the opening act came out for about half an hour and Rebecca couldn't deny that she was having fun. Just as 5 Seconds of Summer were about to come out, security was searching for someone. Holly nudged Rebecca.

"What do you think's going on?" she asked. Rebecca shrugged her shoulders and frowned.

"I have no idea," she said.

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