CH. 1 - The Glass Tongue

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FYI!!!! This chapppie 20 of book two, so if you have already read it, jus ignore, I will update asap for you guys! Just bear with me while I finish Book 2 as fast as I can. I just woke up, now back to the updates I go after breakfast because I love you all so much. :)


My loves,
words can inspire and they can destroy, so please choose yours well!

-------xoxo Yani


I went to tell Bryce that I was leaving before taking the plane and heading back.

As soon as I got to the door of the pool house I heard skin slapping and moans, so I slowly backed away shaking my head.

This guy and his sex drive and baby making obsession is scary.

I can't even imagine having one kid much less 5 and wanting more.

I Shake off the cold shiver that ran through my body at the thought.

I like seeing my nieces and nephews and baby sitting but not keeping them 24/7? Like how would I party? See my babes? Have the healthy sex life that I do?

When Shantel said she is pregnant, I almost pissed myself, like what the hell would I do with a kid?

Look at it?

Take it to the club and feed it vodka?

Lock it in a room while I try to have a one night stand?

Yeah didn't think so.

I'm glad when I shut that down pretty fast, like I know I ventured in her pool without a life jacket a couple of times but I didn't drown, I jumped out before I could reach the deep end, my jump out game is pretty strong.

Man I love Shantel, but I'm glad the baby isn't mine, she would regret that, I would be a freaking terrible father. I just can't deal with that, worst if I just happened to be the one son who turns out like his father. I'll pass.

When I got to the strip, I saw that the bigger Radley jet was here as well next to the smaller one Bryce and I used this morning. I told the pilot I was ready and took the smaller one, leaving the family jet for Bryce and Rae. Luckily Rae came, so I didn't have to wait or worry about Bryce getting mad and bitching about calling in another plane for him in which he would have to wait on to get here.

6hr hours later and I was walking back into my pent house, after a stop at the bar.

"Evan is that you?" Cara asks walking out of my bathroom in a robe and towel wrapped around her head brushing her teeth.

Just the person I needed to see.

"Evan what the hell done happened to you?" She asks. I flinch as she touch my lips, seeing as though the corner of my mouth is busted.

She sighs before taking my hand leading me behind her to the bathroom and pointing to the bench in the bathroom.

I take a seat and she wash her mouth out and put my tooth brush back in the holder.

Ummmhh remind me to throw that away.

I trust Cara but still you never know where peoples mouth have been.

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