Chapter 17

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"Tattoo?" Nate said. I nodded and looked down. I didn't know what he was gonna say. He was about to say something and that's when I bolted for the door. I ran outside and sat in the back yard looking at the pool. I Didn't wanna fight over this and I sure as hell didn't wanna lose him over this. He walked outside and sat next to me.

"Lindsay" A calming and insanely hot voice said. I looked at him as he as tears from my eyes fell. He wiped them away then spoke again.

"Baby.. I'm not mad" He said. I looked at his eyes.

"Your not?" I said

"No I not it was your choice and you wanted it" He said

" Your seemed mad at first" I said

" I realized your like me Your like the kid me and I don't want you to be like me" He signed

"What do you mean?" I said

" I did bad stuff as a kid" He spoke "I smoked drank and other shitty things. I first smoked weed when I turned 17.. I thought I was pretty bad ass for doing it. I thought I was cool and I was a bad boy. When I realized I wasn't I started doing things to make me cool. I went to party's and got high and drunk. I felt so alive I got a tattoo. When I turned 19 I realized I was pretty fucked up and that's when I changed. I wanted to be different. I changed my life and got my shit together. Your doing things I did and your older but I don't want you doing things your not ready for"

"I'm ready nate" I said

" If you say your ready then your ready. I trust you to be safe and make good choices and I know you won't let me down" He said

"You sound like my dad" I laughed. He laughed with me. He hugged me and we starred at the sunset. We heard a camera go off so we looked bad.

"Sam!!" Megan said smacking him

"Whoops" They showed us the pics and I told them to send me them. up and I layed down because I was tired. About 10 Minutes layer nate walks in with Grace. He layed on the bed and she layed on his stomach

(Grace is a months old)

"Hey Grace" I said kissing her cheek.

"No kiss for me?" Nate asked

"You get enough of those" I shrugged

" Your right" He chuckled. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me. I layed my chest on his head and soon my eyes got heavier and heavier.


"Noooooo!!" I yelled to the tv. I was playing call of duty alone because Megan was at the store and who knows what Sam and nate where doing. Grace was sleeping.. but Proably not anymore..

"Fuck no!!" I yelled. The people were on my tail (Dead)

"Fuck yes" Sam yelled walking in. I loved Sam.. He was like my older brother.. My stupid older brother. (Love you Sam ❤️)

"Sam I will cut you" I said glaring at him really quick

"She's will" Nate said walking in.

"Add me I wanna play" Sam said grabbing the controller. Nate also grabbed an controller and started to play. We joined another game and I tried to kill someone but it didn't work that well. I randomly threw a smoke bomb into a building. a couple minutes later we walked out and saw john and Ty on the couch.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY " Nate and I yelled

" your 22" Sam said "That's old..." (Ik johns 21 today)

Lost (Sequal to savior) // Nate MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now