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      "Would you consider doing it as a business with me?" Dedrick asked me.

"Doing what?" I squealed.

"You know, sleeping with my friends and other guys for money," he explained. 

I looked up at him, confused and thought he was out of his burnt and fried mind, "Ain't that like prostitution, Dedrick?" I wondered.

"Yeah, baby," he said with a smile, "I'm glad you figured it out. I knew you were pretty smart. The other smart thing is that, there's ways that we can keep your name sweet and innocent. Trust me. Something hidden and no one will know about it, but you and me and our little customers," he bragged. He was trying to persuade me that this was the best way for me and him. For what, I don't know.

"Are you sure? I mean what's in it for me? What good is it for me, huh? Explain it to me Dedrick."

"What about you?"

"Do I get any money? I mean I'm the one that's getting screwed here, not you. You're just bringing in the pimps and stuff," I said, glaring into his eyes with anger shooting through them, hoping that he would get the fact that I was serious. Really, I wouldn't mind it, but you know, as long as Dedrick can protect me from danger, and I get the right amount of money. That all of isn't just gonna go to Dedrick, when I'm the one that's going through pain of guys that I don't even know.


        I was about hop off this couch, to leave his apartment, because I don't think I could deal with his cocky attitude and the way he came across this situation, "Who you talkin' to?" he asked, jolting from the couch and huddling over me. His sweet breath hitting my face, with every harsh word that he spoke. I've never seen him this mad, so I must've said something wrong. Threw the wrong attitude his way.

      I watched as his fist balled up and his chest had rised. Now, I knew he was really mad and all I know, was that I was praying hard, that I was going to get out of here, alive, "I'm talking to you, Dedrick. You! You're the only Dedrick standing in front of me, right?" I asked him, rolling my eyes. He got on top of me and held my wrists back and I could feel his anger go throughout my body, just with the touch of his hands. I knew I was in for it. I didn't think he was like this at all! All of this was new to me, so I really didn't know what to do. I started to carry on some heavy breathing, "Let me go, Dedrick! What is wrong with you? Get off of me!" he got in my face and I could just feel tears rolling down my face, out of fear. Scared for my life.

"Now, listen here," he started waving his finger in my face, "whether you do this with me or not, I will make every single second of your life miserable. From the second you leave here, to the next time that I see you. Don't play with me, Shontelle," he cupped my face in his evil hands, "So, are you in or not?" he said through gritted teeth.

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