Just The Little Things

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“What!?” I screamed, I could feel my hands ball into fist. I swear, if Jack didn something to her I might kill him. No, I will kill him.

“Relax Alan, he meant the animal hospital chill out” Krissy said walking out from the back room, with a clipboard.

“I gotcha good ! Didn’t I !” Jack started laughing, that’s when I took a real good look at him. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and he was in sweatpants.

“Did you stay here last night?” I asked

“Yeah, Oli called Sierra last night because he was piss drunk and me and her were already hanging out so I went with her, and we just brought Oli back here and we had a little slumber party” He smiled, at me as he grabbed an apple off the table.

“You shouldn’t be here” I whipped my head around and say Ryan, standing there not looking to happy at all.

“Why?” I asked confused,

“Oh yeah, Sierra is mad at you because of what you said last night” Jack said, how bad was I last night?

“What did I say?”

“That me and Jack were dating and that you could honestly careless about me. How I’m just leading you on and all of these things” I whipped my head around and say Sierra, carrying Jeffree in her arms.

“He’s fine, Ryan left his chicken bones out and Jeffree got ahold of them. He just spent the last hour or so getting them taken out and what not my poor baby” Sierra told as she kissed the poor dogs head and walked past me.

“Ryan, he can be here. He was drunk last night. No need to be a jerk” Krissy said, basically dragging Ryan out of the bus leaving me with Sierra, Jack and Oli.

“So babe, I guess I’ll see you later” Jack teased and kissed Sierra’s cheek.

“Yeah, no don’t call me babe” She smiled,

“You love it” He laughed as he put his arm around Oli and walked out of the bus leaving me with Sierra.

“Do you wanna lay down with me? Jeffree is still awfully sick and I think he just wants to cuddle up with me and relax” I looked at Jeffree, for a very large and scary looking dog he did like to act like a puppy at times. Sierra, picked him up from her bunk and walked to the back room where the couches were basically like beds, she laid down with Jeffree in her arms and he laid on top of her all cuddled up.

“Sierra, I’m rea-“She held her hand up to stop me.

“Hand me the blanket? The really big comfy one, the one with angry birds on it” I grabbed the blanket and walked over to Sierra, I laid down next to her and Jeffree who seemed really happy to be here with us. He picked his head up and licked my face.

“For a big, scary looking dog he sure does act like a puppy when he’s sick” I pointed out and he just whimpered, and licked my face again.

“I think he likes you” Sierra mumbled, she laid her head down on my shoulder as Jeffree laid in-between us.

“I’m sorry, Sierra I didn’t mean anything I said” I said to her leaning my head on hers.

“It’s fine, let’s not talk about it” She sighed and I grabbed her hand and enter winded our fingers.  We just laid there in perfect silence; it wasn’t that uncomfortable it was like we were both happy just laying next to each other. Sierra was confusing I will tell you that, but then I have to remember she does live with three guys, plus Becca does act like this with her too all the time. I think she is just use to things like this.

“This is nice, I never really liked laying down with someone in complete silence as Jeffree gets over being sick” She smiled. Well maybe I was wrong; maybe she doesn’t usually do this.

“Do you usually do this sorta stuff with people?” My eyes grew wide; of course my mind was speaking for me.

“No, I never really cuddled with anyone like this really. After a while, it was just me and Jeffree so I got use to cuddling with this big fluff bag, and soon I kind of didn’t like cuddling with other people or things. But you, you are pretty fucking comfy” She smiled, I kissed the side of her head and we just laid there the whole time.

“Hey Alan” I felt someone shaking me awake.

“Yeah?” I mumbled as I rolled over to find a missing Sierra.

“It’s time to go, we got to get to our next stop” it was Austin, damn him and his really bad timing!

“Argh, where is Sierra?” I asked

“She took Jeffree for a walk but we need to get back to our bus” I groaned and got up from my spot. I was very comfy and I don’t even remember falling asleep but I slumped my way back to my bus.

“Hey Alan” Jack stopped me before I entered my tour bus.

“Sup?” I whipped my head around to see a very angry Jack.

“You should stay away from Sierra, I call dibs man” He’s such a child, I almost wanted to laugh at him it was so pathetic

“I’ll do what I want Jack, she’s my friend.” I stated looking him straight in the face. We were about the same height so it wasn’t that hard to size up to him.

“Ha, I see how you look at her. You have feelings for her; well let me tell you something. Sierra is mine” He said to me before turning off and walking away. I can tell that Warped is going to be real exciting this year.

I hopped onto the bus and sat down on the couch, I didn’t really think much was going to happen until TIno collapsed next to me.

“Bro, do you know what sucks?” TIno asked

“No what sucks?” I laughed as he rubbed his face with his hands.

“Austin ate all the fucking cookies” Tino whined,

“It wasn’t me!” Austin yelled, oh but I knew who it was.

“It was me and Sierra” I smiled; I don’t think I have gotten that many death stares in my life. Looks like it’s going to be a quiet road trip with them all mad at me. 

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